
A lot of people look at the implacable and irrational unpersuadability of antivaxxers and kinda conclude "ah there's nothing we can do except let them win" instead of the correct conclusion that we need to force them to get their kids vaccinated against their parents' will
We had a test of this theory during COVID and among the groups that actually were forced to get vaccinated, most "reluctant" people just got the shot with only a few holdouts. Didn't even take a very big stick in a lot of cases!
Still amazes me
It's not as granular but as shocking. Life expectancy by state in 2020 (the latest year from CDC, 2019 is similar, but naturally different). 9 of the top 10 are blue (UT is 9th), 9 of the bottom 10 are red (NM is 42nd). Top 3 states (HI, WA, MN) outlived the bottom 3 (MS, WV, LA) by 6-7.8 years!
Life Expectancy at Birth by State Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC twenty four seven. Saving Lives, Protecting National Center for Health Statistics
Owning the libs by dying early
Exactly 🤣 There are many contributing factors. More car fatalities, mostly DUI related. More gun fatalities. Less vaxination. Poor nutrition. Smoking. The high rate of no seat-belt deaths in red states is fun. This darwin-aproved demise hurts only the freedom-lover who freed us from their presence.