YTV 2018

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YTV 2018

Hi my name is Robert but you call me EROD or YTV2018 I have autism I am sane Canadian BRONY And now I have a blue sky account
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
This is even further proof that Muskrat is unfit to run Twitter. Now there's been a massive data breach.
Just found out about a massive data leak at Twitter/X. I don't use it anymore but I keep my account alive so no one else can claim my username. I just changed my password and suggest others do too. Also use 2FA whenever you can. More:
9.4GB Twitter(X) Data Leaked - Over 200 Million Records Exposed The Cyberpress Research Team made a significant discovery with the Massive 9.4 GB of X (Formerly the Twitter) Database.
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
Okay if nothing else this can be found in the Hero Information section of a character in the Heroes screen
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
I swear there used to be a button in training mode in Overwatch that would give you an overview of each ability but I can't find it grumble I wanna learn Junker Queen (surprising no one whatsoever)
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
You ever look at him and go HELL YES
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
I have a dozen answers for this lol
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
Okay I think I could into playing Illari for heals. Which is good because there is no way in hell I wouldn't NOT play the character who got the Arcee skin in Overwatch
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
Image credit: Gary Markstein.
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
Crashing the Economy to discourage immigration is the GOP plan, as well.
The most reliable and EU-compliant way to reduce immigration numbers is to wreck the economy and keep unemployment high. Spain's net migration turned negative in the 2010s; if you don't like immigrants (let's face it, it's NL, of course they don't), be like that.
Netherlands wants an opt-out from EU migration rules. Is it possible? The Hague might soon be heading for a total clash with Brussels over the most explosive issue on the political agenda: migration.
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
Don't forget the homeless.
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
Oh yeah, and it wasn’t journos complaining about how hard Elden Ring’s DLC was lol.
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
I’ve got a lot of criticism about games journalism, but good lord, hating on it this much is so 2008. In a post “content creator” world, journos aren’t even hugely impactful anymore. What a petty grudge to obsessively continue.
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
It’s funny how gamebros think “game journalist mode” is a great joke when talking about easy difficulty settings - game journos were the first ones raving about Demon’s Souls. Also it’s played out. The “joke” is repeated like dozens of times in any thread about difficulty, like a weird obsession.
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
Give us adderall & communism and THESE PROBLEMS WILL BE SOLVED
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
Cute of capitalism to keep coming up with new ways to pathologize any & all symptoms of suffering under it & means of escaping it
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
The fact Bluesky decided a url formed out of two different paragraphs is a pretty funny joke though.
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
We need to bring Blockbuster back, simply so kids can wander the horror section and get their imaginations fired by all the gnarly covers of the movies they're not allowed to watch.
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
$1 billion? Are they worried about losing the class war? I hope? The rich don't usually give that much away, and they never give anything for free, especially charity...
NEW YORK (AP) — Free tuition for majority of medical students at Johns Hopkins after $1 billion gift from Bloomberg Philanthropies.
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
oh jesus fucking christ i meant titanic ii apparently they also made a titanic 2, which was a parody and i assume unwatchable but TITANIC II: NOT PARODY (and also i assume unwatchable)
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
The fact is, despite being a massive Italian box office hit, a subtitled film with that subject matter is a hard sell, regardless of rating and positive critical reviews (of which I was one). So I would deem it to be a success.
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
Looks like Vue's self-distribution of There's Still Tomorrow was successful, and they will continue to release titles - although I don't know how they were surprised by a 15 rating for a film with a domestic violence theme and a number of uses of strong language.
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
you know they made a titanic 2?
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
oh jesus fucking christ i meant titanic ii apparently they also made a titanic 2, which was a parody and i assume unwatchable but TITANIC II: NOT PARODY (and also i assume unwatchable)
you know they made a titanic 2?
Reposted byAvatar YTV 2018
God, woke up this morning and my hands feel like they're radiating pain. It doesn't hurt to use them, but there is a notable feeling coming from them. Specifically where fingers meet my palms.