
Best city in North America and it’s not close
Just a reminder that while some cities are still debating whether to transform a few blocks of 1 or 2 streets into places for people, this year Montreal is transforming 11 such streets across 7 neighbourhoods, equalling 9+kms, from car spaces to people places.
Walk Montréal's car-free streets all summer long! Get to stepping in Montréal this summer, enjoying the sights and sounds along the pedestrian-only streets.
My husband and I spent a lot of time ogling their protected bike lanes last year
yeah I was also there last spring and the mayor is lucky I never inundated him with the billion pictures I took
My sister went to McGill and I loved visiting her. So much fun! And the transpo is definitely a plus. Montreal and Toronto are both on my daughter’s college list.
this was my favorite part of visiting Montreal a couple of summers ago
I would love to visit one day.
I was only there for a few days (almost a week maybe) and it leapt to the top of my list of favorites. And I don’t even speak much French!
Spent a few days there about 8 years ago and even carrying a 9 month old around, had an amazing time. Definitely agreed with there and Quebec City as a bonus.