Zack Bel

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Zack Bel

Author, bookseller, shopkeeper, queer and disabled. Writing and living in the far south of Australia. They/them.
More fantasy needs cute pint sized dragons.
I haven't baked in nearly a year. It was nice to make lemon cookies and remember how much I love it - creating something delicious that can make other people smile with nothing but flour and water and magic.
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Detective shows need to stop trying to do the "social issue" episodes. It always ends badly.
I try to be an optimist. In one corner of my heart I still believe good can prevail. But the darkness is growing and my hope is not infinite.
The "they were roommates" joke about historians is a coping mechanism for queerfolks. Its sad that heterosexuality is so value neutral that any other option is explored before the idea two same sex people were partners, and to suggest otherwise has an impossible burden of proof demanded of it.
Random history gripe: We know exactly 1 physical detail about Alexander the Great for sure. He had heterochromia. No one remembers this when portraying him in film or TV.
Note to self: 1st drafts don't have to be perfect. Thats future me's problem. #writing
Around 1348, Emperor Charles IV pawned jewels (including his first wife's crown) to a Jewish banker, Moshe, in Środa, now Poland. Charles IV never reclaimed them, and Moshe either fled or died in the anti-Jewish riots of 1362, leaving them behind, buried in a hidden cache which was found in 1985.
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Since I've reached 600+ followers today, let's have an ✨ ARTSHARE ✨ throughout the entire weekend! ✨ share the post for visibility ✨ introduce yourself & post your art in the comments ✨ hit the ❤ + 🔁 buttons and comment on other people's art ✨ no AI/NFTs ✨ keep it SFW #artistsupport #art
Books do not need to shy away from beauty, humour, love, frivolity and the sheer joy of just having fun, in order to be valuable literature. There is worthiness in books that challenge us, and just as much value in books that only seek to make us smile. There is art and merit in both.
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Congrats, Inky! Few deserve such a platform more than you. I’m Taylor, a writer by profession and affection, but I dabble in drawing and mapmaking.
home buying shows are always so odd. On the American ones they all complain about wanting 2 bathroom sinks and on the British ones the beds are always lumpy and only half made.
my desire to have weird mysterious distant magic systems is constantly fighting with my desire to have the main characters use cool spells #amwriting
There aren't many of these automatons left, but this 16th century clockwork monk is pretty cool (images: National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institute).
One of my favourite bits of history is how ancient and medieval courts just, had amazing automatons? Mechanical lions guarding the byzantine throne, monks who walked and prayed, and trees full of mechanical songbirds. If you put in a fantasy book they'd say it was unrealistic.
One of my favourite bits of history is how ancient and medieval courts just, had amazing automatons? Mechanical lions guarding the byzantine throne, monks who walked and prayed, and trees full of mechanical songbirds. If you put in a fantasy book they'd say it was unrealistic.
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Camellia sinensis | Tea Blossom #art #illustration
"If not wielded carefully, defining cozy can become a tool to uncozify the marginalised" I wrote a blog post I'm super proud of, What is cozy fantasy? about both what the genre is and where its future may lie. And its importance to marginalised people.
What is cozy fantasy? - Sorcerer of Everyone is talking about cozy fantasy, but what is it? and why is calling it low stakes the wrong way to define it?
Just finished "Pratchett's Women" by Tansy Rayner Roberts - really enjoyable set of essays that delves into the evolution of Pratchett's portrayal of women over the years. I concur with Tansy - one of the most fascinating parts of Pratchett was watching (reading) his evolution.
Me: writes 100 words Me: guess its time for a little bg3 break
I handwrote a whole chapter which sounded like a great idea until i went to transcribe it and remembered reading my own handwriting is like deciphering a dead language.
The urge to make a zine is strong lately.
Me: lets write a cute cozy fantasy story it'll be a nice short project Also me: invents a naming language for the setting, spends tens of hours worldbuilding
Just spent too much money (for me anyway it was only like 40 bucks) on journalling stickers to motivate me to start this new creative journal.
Introduce yourself with 1 book, 1 film and 1 tv show 🌈📚 Book: Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries Film: Nimona Show: Good Witch
Introduce yourself with 1 book, 1 film, and 1 tv show 🌈📚 Book: Persuasion Film: Into the Spiderverse Show: The Haunting of Hill House
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I feel like most authors don't rly want Stephen King levels of stardom, where we can't grab a meal w/o people crying at the table. Most of us just want to support our families, afford health care, have 30 people show up to a book signing, and write books that mean something to those who need them.
End of feed.