Zakiyyah Alexander

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Zakiyyah Alexander

I've written tv you've heard of and plays you probably haven't.
The world is so depressing. I'm jealous of the ppl who don't read or realize how horrible things are. I bet it's lovely having no outrage.
Refaat Alareer’s daughter, to whom his now-famous “If I Must Die” poem was addressed, was murdered with her husband and son in Gaza today by Israel
When you start the day at 5 am...well, there really is a lot of day to cover.
Not me explaining that colleges are asking for a divestment from funds going to Israeli defense to a Jewish colleague who truly thought the protests were useless. Not me showing that this has worked in the past. Not me knowing point by point what's actually happening in the world.
Me, finally finishing my work but waiting to send until after Mercury is out of retrograde because I can't take anymore chances.
There is a petition to stop Billy Porter from playing James Baldwin in the movie he's cowriting and I am deceased.
Writing is like 87 percent thinking omg what am I doing and then like 13 percent skill and magic. It's wild.
I really like chaos because it really takes until the world is absolutely wild for me to get my work done.
I remembered how to write again. Thank goodness. Every time I forget I fear I'll never remember again. And then I do. Sheesh.
Requiem For A Dream is also another example of the, this is good but nope never again.
Baby Reindeer was so so good - and I can never ever watch it again. Few things hit like that.
Baby Reindeer was so so good - and I can never ever watch it again. Few things hit like that.
Baby Reindeer. Holy moly. The fact that the creator lived this and is performing it is really something.
I'd like to go to sleep and wake up in about 4.5 years.
Making students homeless and without healthcare the same day, destroying their belongings, banning them from campus, having them arrested for trespassing—this institution has far too much power to do harm to the students for whose safety it’s responsible.
I was thinking how my Chinese American friend in college had a white boyfriend for many years. Her grandma didn't speak English and referred to him in Chinese as 'white devil.' Grandma was a real one, lol,
It's so crazy when homophobic shit like this happens to people you know in real life, who you also know were prob doing this because they are kind and good.
Every time there's Asian leads on American tv we really start to heal something. Shogun, The Sympathizer.
When you have a cold, NyQuil does shit and your partner sleeps might be in hell or home with me.
Each ep of Shogun is like a big budget movie.
Thinking I should write a book and develop a tv show based on my own IP; if I start tmrw I'll prob be finished by the time Hollywood is moving again. Like 2 years or so...
TV is broken. The streamers broke it. A thing that worked beautifully and made everyone tons of money is now a thing that frustrates and maddens both fans and artists. It can be saved... but only if studios abandon the Wall Street fantasy of infinite growth instead of doubling down on it.
Today in “this could easily run for 10 seasons & employ a lot of talented people & make many viewers happy & help retain subscribers but the powers that be decided to NOT do all that for Reasons” 😡
Left photo from 1:42 pm, before near-totality in Chicago. Right photo from 2:42 pm, after near-totality. Not only is the light coming in through my blinds in crescent shapes, but THEY FLIPPED ORIENTATION as the moon transited across the sun. So so cool.
Finally ready to write - but wait, let me research the best way to keep dust off furniture first. This is important!
A procrastination deep clean is like the strength of a cleaning crew. Clean the anxiety away. Clean the brain. Until it's so clean I have no choice but write.
Q: How's the writing going? A: Really well. Organized/cleaned my medicine cabinet, a closet, and a dresser. And I'm not done yet.
I regret to inform myself: I've forgotten how to write...again.
TV writing right now is almost nothing but OWA's and IP...torture.
There was this kid in junior high, when we got on a crowded bus, he'd say 'this is a bus not an orgy.' So, 11 year old me went home and asked, 'Mom, what's an orgy?' 30 years later, I still regret this.
American Riviera Orchard sounds like a Wes Anderson movie that has no Black ppl even as background.