
I think we could all use a bit of pick-me-up right about now, so seeing as it's July 3rd, why don't we once again reflect on one of the greatest white supremacist self-owns in military history:
When I was in middle school in Maryland, they took us to Gettysburg and made us reenact Pickett's Charge. We had little colored badges they would call out to tell us when to die. I got to carry a regimental flag. When I died, I cried out, "I die young, but I die for slavery! racism! and hate!"
This in a bad fake southern accent, natch. I also jammed the flagpole in a rock pile, very dramatic except I broke the flagpole. My weird Confederate-in-a-Union-state teacher was not amused. 😁 She sent me to sit on the bus, which, no, so I wandered the battlefield unaccompanied.
All of which is to say yes, national holiday please. 😁 And I'll spend a moment in fond remembrance of the horrified looks on two white supremacist teachers' faces as they watched an overly dramatic fat nerd ruin their solemn occasion while collapsing over a splintered flagpole.