zheanna is kinda hot

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zheanna is kinda hot


human, after all
28. she/her. sometimes nsfw. 🏳️‍⚧️
i need someone to slap me until all i can do is meow
the whole idea of "sex ≠ gender" set us back by decades because cis people can just pretend the transsexual experience is playing dress up and roleplaying as the opposite gender instead of the very real, tangible experience of literally changing the sex that was assigned to us by accident of birth
i got a birria quesadilla and while trying to eat over the container and not make a mess all over my lap i dunked my whole ass hair into the consomme. nobody told me there would be a learning curve to having long hair
how much dick could a dicksucker suck if a dicksucker could suck dick
tattoo on my ass cheek that says "this machine farts poop"
I don't even wait. When you're cis, they let you do anything. You can do anything. Be transphobic on the skyline. You can do anything.
it is the not too distant future. the 9-1 UMass Minutemen are on the road against the Georgia Bulldogs. it is 35-10 UMass in the 3rd quarter. blue chip prospect Brungus Beef has thrown for 4TD 384yds. Sanford Stadium is so quiet you can hear a pin drop. college football will never be the same
nevermind im winning now
college football 25 is not letting me beat georgia as umass and quite frankly this is transphobic for several reasons
college football 25 is not letting me beat georgia as umass and quite frankly this is transphobic for several reasons
trannies exist to shut the fuck up, serve me my frappuccino, and come to my hotel room to let me suck their dick. and to pretend they don't exist outside of porn
1.) cis people do have cis privilege, even if they’re marginalized on other axes 2.) you are straight up a transphobe, this is unambiguously some mega-nasty dogshit transmisogyny that you can’t even play it as being about white trans women while mocking the oppression all trans women are subject to
white people flocking around Kaitlin Gotham because they have to protect the transphobic black lady from the mean trans women who are saying that said lady is transphobic
idk someone explain to me how come white people can get a free pass on their antiblackness if they hate trans women enough, idgi
i know im stupid as hell but i love the whole "put the flag up on your mailbox to let the postman know there is outgoing mail" thing. like thats so fucking tight honestly
the final frontier of transition is voice, both literal and metaphorical
ate some go-gurt. now i am taking a shit. that's my update for today thanks for reading
some of the people who praised TV Glow are the same people who think the closet is a privilege for trans women
got the last letter I'll ever need to be Zheanna :)
empty abandoned corporate offices are my favorite things to explore and walk around honestly
ive seen things you people wouldn't believe. trash tuesdays and nightsky threads on fire off the shoulder of orion. i watched dorley speech bubble memes glitter in the dark near the tannhäuser gate all those skeets will be lost in time, like tears in rain
NEO: What are you trying to tell me? That I can touch my dick until I cum? MORPHEUS: No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready....you won't even have to touch your dick.
who wants to come over and get real wild and crazy with it
just cried in my HR lady's office. not a good day
the trannies are not feeling loved and so they are leaving
i will absolutely not be using any website or app that automatically appends my fucking location to my posts, nor will i jump through hoops to obfuscate my location for the purpose of using said website/app
got a long list of ex-lovers they'll tell you im real screwy but i've got a blank space baby and i'll write baba booey
good news everyone. i found out that my Massachusetts employer's new health insurance policy is administered in and subject to the state law of Florida. im going to go puke blood in the gender inclusive bathroom now
seeing a lot of no pfp no display name lookin asses lately. lets explode them with the bfg 9000 from doom