
It’s crazy to see articles declare that Elon Musk isn’t Tesla’s biggest problem when I am 100% the target demographic of a Tesla driver and would never, ever, ever buy a Tesla because of Elon Musk.
Basically every problem with the production quality is due to him, very directly. He’s bad at business in addition to being a textbook villain.
He has his hands on SpaceX the least, Twitter the most and Tesla the second most. The biggest failures right now are Twitter and Tesla. This does not seem like a difficult narrative for people to handle
And SpaceX functions largely on public money, so we're paying this unqualified idiot billions to run shitty NASA
Unfortunately the billions we give other space companies doesn't give the same bang for the buck. Musk is all sorts of wrong on everything but SpaceX delivers. How? I don't know. It might be because the first employees were rocket scientists and contained Musk.
i've heard repeatedly over the years that he is highly insulated from actual impactful decision making there
There's a whole team specifically dedicated to managing him when he's around space x to keep him too busy to fuck shit up
Yea, for the most part Musk has very little to do with SpaceX’s day to day. Occasionally he jumps in and they can’t prevent him from insisting on blowing up their launchpad, but otherwise they’re largely succeeding because he’s prevented from meddling in the actual engineering
Musk company so the how is tricky accounting, probably. Delivers what? More spy and military buildup? I certainly don't use SpaceX products. America's military is the largest in the world because we're the world's biggest bullies. Elon's inability to fuck that up seems another reason to condemn him
Also worth noting that Paypal succeeded because Thiel took it away from him. His actual track record for being in charge is... not good.
Um, by all accounts that I have seen Gwynne Shotwell largely runs SpaceX on a day to day basis which explains why that company isn't a complete shit show.
I wish every Tesla worker a very unionize, and every Tesla stockholder a very vote.
Absolute same. Already have one EV (bought an eGolf used) and plan to replace my 10 year old mom SUV with an EV in the next couple years, and I wouldn’t drive a Tesla if they offered to trade it for my SUV free.
How is the eGolf? My VW dealer is starting to turn some over, I guess coming off of leases.
My husband and I fight over who gets to drive it. It's so zippy and fun. Range isn't huge but it's been perfect for our needs in town.
Thanks. We’ve got a pair of refurb’d TDI wagons. I commute, but Mrs. Jank is WFH. If I drive mine into the ground and then pick up hers, that gets to retirement-ish. eGolf sounds like a perfect second car.
We got it when my husband had to start working at a location too far for him to bike commute. A perfect second car!
Similar. I have a hybrid and go into the office once a week with it. 60 miles each way. Wife takes my car and leaves her van at home every day except when I am in the office. Effect of this is - 1 her van gets under 100 miles put on it a week. 2 my car is nearing 200,000 miles.
i bought a Hyundai EV largely because it wasn’t a Tesla. (Also because it’s a great car and I vastly prefer having manual controls for things like wipers, but also because of Elon and what he has done to Tesla)
When I was in the market (2019ish) due to untimely car death, my only real options were Hyundai and Tesla (eGolf and eFiat lacked range and I don't have Jaguar money). And, man, was I grateful the Kona EV was available because there was no way I was buying an Elonmobile.
Same. We looked at EVs in 2019 but there was nothing that really fit our needs so we got a hybrid. Last year the college grad took that car and there were many more choices in the market.
My next car will be an EV but also most likely a Hyundai or a Nissan. Was really looking forward to the Volkswagen Buzz but I don’t think it will be out by the time I need to buy a new car.
We’ve rented the Ioniq 5 for two week-long trips and I love it so much. It’s fast.
Rented an Ioniq 5 for a week. Year earlier had a Model Y for a week. Main takeaways. Ioniq 5 turn radius seemed narrow. Espically noticed when backing up to a charger. Had to correct angle of approach. Charging on non-Tesla is difficult (espically EA stations in S FL).
The Tesla drive like a car. Only advantages were 1- charging - they have better hardware then most charging stations. 2- software - the app is superior then any other car manufacturer. Every company needs to figure this out.
Big negative for both - no wireless Apple CarPlay/Android Auto. Daughters 2022 Honda has that, as should every new car manufactured. Tesla doesn’t even offer these as a wired option (big miss for them).
But plus for Hyundai - having a screen behind the steering wheels with the speed and other critical data. Physical buttons for important features. Perhaps this is generational and the kids who grew up with a phone won’t find them as necessary.
I much prefer the traditional screen behind the dashboard as well. Lack of wireless carplay is a pain (frankly, inexplicable), but I bought a little $50 dongle off Amazon that provides wireless carplay and has been pretty reliable.
Hyundai and Kia are really popular in the U.K. but Tesla seem to be more prevalent - which maybe down to early adoption and employer lease schemes.
How long have you had your Hyundai, if you don't mind me asking? I'm looking for something reliable.
purchased an Ioniq 6 in June 2023. No mechanical problems. Got rear ended at slow speed and it took the repair shop a couple weeks to get the needed parts, but the car continued to work fine (for reasons, it took me a few months before I dropped off the car for the repair work).
Co-worker looked at one. Had a newborn. Said the trunk entrance was too small for his stroller. Looking at pictures I can see that being an issue (limiting large items from going into the trunk) but may not affect most people.
trunk definitely is small and if I had young kids we’d have probably gone for the Ioniq 5 instead of the Ioniq 6 for that reason!
Which is what I am looking at. I enjoyed driving the Ioniq 5 for the week I had it. Mid trim level. I did not enjoy my EA charging experience. 2025 can not come soon enough when Tesla chargers are open to Hyundai.
I also don’t expect the people who bought one to buy another. I see people with “I bought this before I found out he was crazy” stickers on teslas and you know they aren’t repeat customers.
I know of at least one person who bought a Tesla, then sold it after Apartheid Manbaby really started going down the ket hole.
I got rid of a 2019 and there was no way Tesla was in the consideration set for the replacement. His idiocy pulled my decision to replace it forward by a year.l
Also, the Cybertruck was largely Elon’s pet project. It’s got way more design decisions made directly by Musk than any other Tesla. The results speak for themselves.
Three years ago I was pretty damn sure I'd buy a Tesla. Now, there is no way in hell.
My brother let me drive his model 3 for a few days when I was on vacation this month. 1. It's pretty freaking awesome? 2. I would never buy one for the same reasons you mentioned
I've seen a bumper sticker on a Tesla that said, "I like the car, not the man." No matter how much I might like the car, I wouldn't buy one as long as Elon is running the company.
A lot of people who bought one before he went more nuts in public are kind of in an awkward spot.
I saw one that said "I'm probably not driving."
You seem to forget he knows more than anyone alive about manufacturing
Also he has loudly and persistently made the case the he personally is Tesla's greatest asset - hence why he deserves such ludicrous compensation. If he's what makes Tesla unique in good times, the same, one assumes, applies to bad ones
We bought a Model 3 five years ago (lovely car). Our plan was the next car would be a Model Y, and we’d stay within the Tesla ecosystem. Now, we’re very specifically NOT going to buy a Tesla again, at least not while he’s running things.