
Why are you LGBTQ+? Correct answers only I spent 15 years having a little voice in the back of my head whispering about being a girl and then when I tried to explore it, it switched to burning shame, repression, and repeating the cycle. Only way I could stop it was to stop being ashamed and be Me.
why are you lgbtq+? correct answers only I got sick of pretending I didn’t have crushes on girls. Then I got sick of pretending I was a girl.
As for how I became a lesbian, I realized about 20 minutes after coming out that I still only like women and then, over time, realized that while I actually like people who maybe aren't women I know I don't like cis men and whoever I'm with, it's some Lesbian Bullshit
I'm in the process of discovering this one for myself. I like women and people who aren't women. I don't think I have an interest in cis men, and if I do it's like once every 7 years lmao. I just haven't been with enough people to actually understand my own feelings.
Honestly it's just about finding a label (or lack of one!) that feels good There will always be prescriptivists who think sexualities are rigid and hyper specific but we're all different and have our own relationships to our sexualities. Take your time and figure out what that means for Kris!
Yeah! I liked labels for a long time cause they helped me understand myself, but I've realized my identity and feelings are always changing and I hate the idea of having to constantly find new labels for myself. A general umbrella of "queer and trans" fits me perfectly.
Don't be the person cutting the commercial to tell Mr. T what he can or can't play in the game. Be the Night Elf Mohawk you want to see in the world.