
CW Political post. Not going to say much about today's bullshit other than... I hope all you people who weren't going to vote for Biden because "but Palestine!" are listening and wake the fuck up.
I've since stopped giving a shit about what these people have to say at this point. I automatically assume they're a MAGA trying to poison "extreme leftist" but use the same damn language that MAGAts use. Hold your nose if you gotta vote Biden, but focus on a long term end game to force change.
These individuals have limited reach within their own social media bubbles and are easily blocked from expanding it. ...unlike when a media site has a columnist with that attitude. I'm surprised Guardian hasn't run another "voting for Biden is voting for genocide!" recently,
We've got problems of our own at the moment
...again, hate to be an I told you so, Avon, but, well... _1 day_ this time for the Guardian's Arwa Mahdawi, who previously wrote it was a 'betrayal' to vote for Biden, trots out "Genocide Joe" again in a column wanting him to drop out...and briefly citing to Putin-friendly Tucker Carlson
Joe Biden is taking advice from his son, Hunter. This does not inspire confidence | Arwa The president could have made a dignified exit from the race for the White House – but his family has apparently implored him to stay put. Now he seems determined to see things through to the bitter, ...
Happily, I haven't seen any of those pop into my feed lately. Or I've just succeeded in blocking all the idiots.
Allow me to rephrase: I haven't had any of these folks pop into my feed to post replies at me. ...some of them have gotten reposted into my feed today tho by individuals who clearly didn't read two posts down in the person's feed before reposting the one post they agreed with.
Every time I post about this, a few more random people block me. It's basically the trash taking itself out at this point. I can't abide such fools who are willing to throw our country under the bus over a foreign conflict. One that would become worse if Trump wins.