
It really is making *me* feel crazy to see a bunch of other Democrat voters running around screaming about how Biden is now unelectable, on the basis of one bad debate and an incredibly obvious ratfucking campaign by America’s most craven newspaper.
Like I said elsewhere, if this had gone the other way, there would be stories saying, "Trump's awful debate is bad news for Biden." At some point we need to at least try to play the game.
its wild because trump had an awful debate
Yeah and the public Republican reaction was that he did so much better than they feared. Why can't we ever spin?
And I get some of it. It's good to be honest. We shouldn't blind ourselves to weaknesses. But at some point it's OK to say, "Biden is better than Trump!" or even "Biden has done these great things."
I keep trying to convince people of this same thing. It's the same concept as "if you find yourself in.a hole stop digging." I think if everyone just took a day or two we'd all come back a little less worried and the hysterical discourse would die down
yes, both candidates stumbled on some answers. only one candidate could not give a true, coherent answer to every single question. but. he was "confident" and "vigorous"
Biden really fucked up by not going into shit talking mode from the get go. He was fine and natural when he was calling Trump a loser.
if thats what we need out of a president the fuck up is ours
Well yeah none of this would matter if voters were better
One of the stupider parts of this freakout is it's still not clear "voters" actually care to a meaningful degree.