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Using Twitter is financing Trump
Wes Streeting citing children’s safety as justification for banning pubity blockers while doing fuck all for children in Palestine and not lifting the 2 child benefit cap for kids in the UK. Utter gobshite.
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Reminder: If #England get beaten, so will she. #DomesticViolence increases by 26% when #England win or draw and 38% if they lose. If you are in immediate danger, call 999 and press 55 on the keypad. Women- Refuge on 0808 2000 247 Men- Respect Men 0808 8010327
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The violence that is America doesn't "stay in its room"; it visits itself upon entire peoples (Palestine, e.g.), devastates nations (ditto), & also rampages within--a deadly virus all across the US. What goes around comes around. U$A doesn't conduct a war on terror...but a war OF terror, everywhere
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i normally don’t talk about politics on this account but i do want to say that there’s a LOT of misinformation floating around rn and if you decide to repost things before they’ve been verified it won’t matter at all because this bluesky and no one’s paying attention like not even a little
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Pro tip: call the Project 2025 1-800 number and complain about it to them. The people answering the phones don’t seem to know what the plan even is.
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"An immediately contagious giddiness: seduction operates through the subtle pleasure which beings and things experience in remaining secret in their very sign -- while truth operates through the obscene drive of forcing signs to reveal everything." - The Ecstasy of Communication
Yeah, I did break into the kibble cupboard and eat all the kibble. What the fuck are you gonna do about it!
Labour: the Tories economic policies were terrible and lead the uk into decline Also Labour: we will be adopting the Tories fiscal rules. #UKPolitics #GE2024
On July 5th the UK will discover the least worst option is still pretty fucking bad
Sometimes you have to insulate yourself from the world.
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"What every society looks for in continuing to produce, and to overproduce, is to restore the real that escapes it." - Simulacra and Simulation
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UNICEF spokesperson, James Elder.
This goes deeper than a layer of pebbledash cladding on a semi
They're calling it "the most forensic moment of the General Election" I decided to compile all the ways Keir Starmer is just the fucking worst and also do some drivebys on his collection of dickheads he has around him. My best work yet. youtu.be/svNs2x9pgdA
Unmasking The Real Keir Starmeryoutu.be They're calling this video "the most forensic moment of the election". A deep dive on Britain's most prominent wet wipe and probable future Prime Minister Ke...
And now, for your viewing pleasure, I present to you…the cat
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This is a bar for only the most straight heterosexual men. Cowboys, Construction workers, Cops, Leather Bound Bikers, Firefighters, Wrestlers, and Sailors. No girl stuff. Just sweaty heterosexual men being sweaty & heterosexual & male with each other. No femmes. All He/him. Males for males. M4M.
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Join EFF! Do it for the weird and wonderful web 👣eff.org Through July 10, get 2 rare gifts featuring The Encryptids, be a member for just $20, and new recurring donations get a free match!
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