
So both main parties immediately reject EU’s proposal for a youth mobility scheme. What a state we’re in. Slamming doors in our own faces because better opportunities and closer cooperation with our own continent isn’t brexity enough. What a stupid little place they’ve made us.
I cannot believe the utter stupidity of our politicians 😒
I know. Protecting Brexit like it’s something precious, rather than a steaming pile of shite that is costing us a fortune and a lifetime of lost opportunities.
I can. It’s a feature not a bug of Brexit. The Brexiteers was complete isolationism from the EU, it’s much easier to mislead a population separated from the whole.
And the first to complain about immigration queues and no longer being able to spend the winter on the Costa.
I think a kind of Brexit North Korea is their dream. Ruled by a wealthy oligarchy with 100% say on laws, a population with no rights and protections, sham elections, protests stamped out, fed on propaganda, and less interaction with the rest of the world to make the above easier.
Good luck. Lots of people are asking for the above, look at the idiots fighting to give up their human rights under ECHR, or tuning into GBebbies for ‘news’, or distracted by migrant crisis whilst children starve.
Or the people who vote for them.
Can’t have young people enjoying EU benefits ( some of whom were too young to even know EU membership ). They might want to Rejoin. Important for the Conservative and Labour Brexit cult to separate us from our EU friends.
Is it just me that feels we are handsomely paying individuals to do everything possible to make our lives as impossible as they can? It feels like trying to survive with the enemy in charge.
Don't they WANT young people to vote Labour?
According to the Daily Express: "The European Commission is making the offer of an EU-wide deal because the UK had spoken with a number of states to discuss youth mobility." But as soon as the EU became involved (which was inevitable) Rishi has to pretend like he hates the idea.
Lib Dems silent on this too. Their plan for EU reengagement was excellent, with the (admittedly big) exception of not really knowing what to do re Northern Ireland. (It omitted customs.) They could be differentiating themselves now, but no.
I agree with you but I should say the Lib Dems have warmly and publicly welcomed the proposed youth mobility scheme. But yes, apart from that, they are keeping quiet about Europe.
The LDs have said they support the mobility proposal.
I stand corrected. And that’s good. But I wish the LDs hadn’t constantly watered down their Europe beliefs from that progressive plan to join the SM to “nobody is talking about Brexit on the doorsteps” (aka “we have to tread carefully in the 20 or so Con seats we might be able to sneak”).
All three of them are ideologically identical anyway. Having an EU citizen partner, I won’t vote of any of them – zero difference between Tory, Labour, LibDem and the far-right anti-immigration parties in practical terms; all of them want a permanent hostile environment for EU/EEA citizens.
Well, they were different on that at one point. The Libs had a stated aim of rejoining the single market (step four of the four-point plan, IIRC). But that seems to have disappeared. Cowards, all of them, for repeatedly ignoring the elephant in the room.
What really hacks me off is the response they all tend to give, which is something like: “People just aren’t talking about Brexit on the doorstep – they’re taking about the economy, the cost of living, the NHS, etc”. Indeed. Things that were and continue to be heavily impacted by Brexit.
No one wants to talk about Brexit, one way or the other. Politicians won't bring it up because the *subject* on either side puts people off. 2029 will be different.
I imagine in 2029, the UK will fully be the sick man of Europe, Labour will have spent five years cowardly tinkering around the edges of the EU relationship, and the Tories may get back in on ~37% or something. If not, 2034 for sure. And Brexit will still be ignored.
You’re more optimistic than me. This looks like all three parties are trying to brush it under the carpet for good. And I absolutely don’t trust any of those parties to honour the “settled status” scheme long term.
My wife was canvassing for LDs last weekend. They already get the Remain vote as they're seen as the pro-EU party, but they need to win over soft Tories to win seats. Many older soft Tories are pro-Brexit, so they have to soft pedal on Brexit for now. BTW more voters mentioned LTNs than Brexit!
If I were the LDs, I’d be more concerned about the dwindling national vote share. Polling now has the party as low as 6–8%. That’s not ideal in a world where Labour is kicking bottom. And any party banking assumptive votes is taking a big risk.
Well, the LibDems have stabbed in the back remain voters who lent them votes in 2019. I suspect they’re angling for another coalition with the Tories (a long shot, but their only way to get into government).
I wouldn't rule out the possibility (similar to other odd positions they've taken) that Labour are only nodding along to avoid the story becoming "Labour want to reverse Brexit", which the Tories and papers would immediately make the election all about to distract from their own failure.
Another reason not to vote for Labour.
My local Labour were and are rabidly pro-Brexit, so unfortunately I’m not surprised.