
In an example that demonstrates the extraordinary institutional power transphobes wield in the UK, this article has now been removed. There is to be no “free speech” for us.
Really good article that is setting off all the transphobes elsewhere : "How a loophole in UK law helps out anti-trans activists The Equality Act is being used to attack trans people while protecting those that do so"
How a loophole in UK law helps out anti-trans The Equality Act is being used to attack trans people while protecting those that do so
This is the second time I know of that a piece critical of “GCs” has been pulled *after* publication. But there have been other cases where outlets have dropped similar pieces without explanation (e.g. Tribune).
The first time it happened (first, to the best of my knowledge), was a piece in The Tab critical of Kathleen Stock circa 2018/19. She threatened libel action (she promised to go through with this even after it was pulled, but ofc didn’t).
Why aren’t groups like PEN and Index on Censorship speaking out against censorship by “GCs”? There are many other examples - Helen Joyce making empty threats against people who pointed out her antisemitism, for example.
That is a rhetorical question, of course. Index and PEN will find the time to defend the “free speech” of anti-trans bigots against us nasty transgenders, but they won’t lift a finger to criticise the censorship of trans voices (both the direct and indirect kinds).
(“Direct” being threats of legal action, “indirect” being the paucity of trans voices in the media “trans debate”).
Anyway here’s an archived version of the article for posterity.
Actually quite chilling if you think of the false rhetoric that's allowed day in, day out, against trans people
Given the NE's past actions I was surprised to see this piece there at all. Good on whoever managed to sneak it past management for a few hours, at least.
Yeah it wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of the pressure to remove it came internally.
I'm going to make a wild-ass guess that UK libel laws have been invoked. Fucking joke.
There was nothing libellous about it. The gutless cowards at The New European just cracked under the pressure (external pressure and, most likely, internal pressure as well).
Oh I agree, but UK libel law makes it far too easy to simply threaten it. By the time you've made it through court you'll be hundred thousands/millions down and it'll be three years later.
Ciara grabbed one!
Oookay, the article seems to have been pulled? I'm hoping for minor editing (there were a few typos) and not for anything else? Anyway, here's the archive link of it from earlier
I found the contents of the article in a mumsnet post via a Google search but indeed why did the article disappear?
Not 100% clear but it seems probable that they allowed themselves to be bullied into self-censoring by “gender-critical” grandees on Twitter.