
I’m just starting but had to come back over and ask if the Mulder porn thing is real or just a joke you made.
No, it's real. You have to remember, this was the 90's, when characters in shows for adults were allowed to have sex lives (or a lack thereof, in Mulder's case).
"Wow Mulder, the last time you were this engrossed in reading it turned out you were looking at *Adult World Weekly*." "You know, Frohike, it's men like you that give perversion a bad name."
While it's used as a gag a fair amount, I do find it actually does add something to Mulder's character- a further reflection of his emotional stuntedness, pathological distrust of others, and unwillingness to be emotionally vulnerable. He can only enjoy sex at a controlled distance.
Also helps with the age that his emotional stunting happened, when his sister disappeared now that I think about it.
Early on in the show he doesn’t own a bed and sleeps on his couch. The style notes indicate that his suits should be loose compared to Scully’s careful tailoring The show goes out of its way to point out that Mulder has issues.
I remember that specific frohike line and I don’t know if I’ve watched xfiles since the late 90s!
Wasn't there an episode where someone who can see the future (Peter Boyle???) makes a comment like "agent Mulder, autoerotic asphyxiation is a terrible way to go"?
Yes! "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose", an episode I *will* be talking about at some point. (One of the many moments of dark humor in that episode is that, while Bruckman is talking to Mulder, he in fact commits suicide through self-asphyxiation at the end of the episode.)
(This also fulfills his own prophecy that Scully would "spend time together with him naked"- referring to his autopsy.)
The idea that Mulder liking porn makes him a predator is so baffling to me, anyway reading this before heading back out on my odyssey (driving to Maryland from New England)
"for comparison, imagine a story set in the French countryside where the monster is constantly referred to as “der Baumtufel“)." This made me wheeze, thank you.
I've never heard this accusation, honestly, although that's mostly because most people for some reason don't pay attention to this gag.
Wild. (I admit most of my interaction with writing about the x files is 20yo personal fanfiction websites)
Hell yes, I tried to DM you to ask when your next x-files blog would be out.
As soon as you mentioned the Native themes in the story and I saw the pic, my mind immediately went to skin-walkers. Most of what I've heard of the stories comes from The Dresden Files though, and I'm not sure how true-to-life his treatment is.