Head Engineer - Blinky Light Dept.

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Head Engineer - Blinky Light Dept.


He/Him. Social Media Account Connoisseur.
This is scary shit. And it’s happening globally
I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
Republicans won't take free money to feed underserved children. This is just an own goal. Make sure everyone knows who did this.
The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry familieswww.usatoday.com Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
Ah fuck they found my goon hole.
This is a picture of a newly discovered pool never seen before by human eyes 700 ft deep in Lechuguilla Cave a part of Carlsbad National Park here in New Mexico
If you’re into Pathfinder (or any similar TTRPG) I cannot recommend this labeling service enough. It’s silly and fun. Just like and subscribe to the labeler, and BAM, suddenly all of the arcane will be made plain to your eyes. I can’t wait for the dueling feature!
Introducing the chance to defy fate. You are given two reroll opportunities if you post the below in a standalone post now @bskyttrpg.bsky.social reroll
I feel like it’s important to note that despite Biden being president, he will never have the approval of the courts to do “official acts” the way trump would. This isn’t carte blanche for anyone but a republican, and November might be our last chance to peacefully avert a constitutional crisis.
SCOTUS enabled an imperial presidency that is indistinguishable from a kingship and did so in a way that, if he wins, *will not be undone without buckets of fucking blood* in our lifetime. you’re not hearing about that, but you should, and you should be fucking murderously angry that you aren’t.
Important to note: it doesn't matter who the president is in this scenario.
the world in which the president is throwing his opponents in jail is not a world where you can just ask a judge to let you out
I don’t know what you expect the presidential election to accomplish exactly but it’s not a miracle drug to fix all problems. It’s just oxygen to keep breathing while the real work happens on the ground. That work is a heck of a lot harder to do without air.
People seem to think the answer to our problems is for Biden to imprison or kill people without trials. That's what a fascist would do! That's the solution of the despot and tyrant! AND THEY ALL THINK THEY'RE DOING IT TO SAVE THE COUNTRY! I'm sorry, discarding democracy will NEVER save democracy.
hey, ik “everything’s bad” and “ugh i really don’t like either one “ but if you are committed to human rights then please vote for the guy that doesn’t do anything this November, so the guy that WILL do everything doesn’t get the job BIPOC + LGBTQ + disabled + unhoused ppl deserve to keep living
Wow. This nine page comic by Kevin Conroy (voice of Batman) and J. Bone really hit me in the gut. It's about Kevin's dysfunctional family, his early acting career, his closeted homosexuality in the 70s-80s, and coming to his audition for Batman in the early 90s. Full: www.tumblr.com/why-i-love-c...
To anyone saying "Dems need to replace Biden" I just want to know who they've been hiding, that they can just trot out 4 months before a presidential election and still hope to win. I'm deeply curious about who is supposed to step in and beat Trump like that. Because that's what matters.
The Torment Nexus™ stopped being voluntary for anyone they declared a criminal...
oh my god now there's a "future of prison" startup that says it will use AI and brain implants to plant fake memories into the brains of criminals, "rehabilitating" them in minutes instead of years and I am going to spend the rest of the day screaming now sciencetimes.com/articles/509...
Cognify: Revolutionary Prison Concept Uses AI and Brain Implants to Fast-Track Criminal Rehabilitationsciencetimes.com Discover how AI and brain implants are transforming rehabilitation. Read more on Cognify's innovative prison concept now!
Look, son: In this world, sometimes you just gotta take the L stair on your way to King Street 👑
Guys Will See This and Just Think "Hell Yeah"
I had hoped being in a bit of a backwoods city might insulate me, but alas, today I lost the cybertruck game. I witnessed one of these affronts to aesthetics on my drive home. I accept my defeat with grace, and merely would like to add as a final sendoff: jesus them shits are ugly.
The existence of gut flora implies the existence of gut fauna. Are those the two wolves living inside of me?
Hell yes. My boss just said he found an unhoused person by our back door this morning and when he couldn't wake him up, called a peace officer to do a wellness check rather than a cop to harass the man. He was ok and was able to move along without an encounter with the police. It's a start.
I'm noticing more and more that, when there is major news breaking, I can rely on it to filter into my feed fairly quickly. I'm hoping that trend will continue and include more local news. I was put in mind of this fact when I revealed to my wife (rather abruptly) that Willie Mays had died. I guess
Spiritual, by Charles White, 1941, 📸 by Frank Hurley