

Pacific Rimmer has been on my mind all day
People act like OSHA is this gang of fun-haters who make up stupid rules to make their jobs annoying. Literally every single regulation OSHA has ever written was in response to someone getting maimed; usually killed, but sometimes merely losing a limb or two. Occasionally breathing corrosive gas.
i make jokes but i do love a lot about england, not just because if a bunch of english people hadn't existed i wouldn't exist, but also because a lot of english people have made brilliant art, and it sucks that y'all are currently trapped by insane freaks who want to sell bits of you off to oil
God, Please, I need an American to call Charles Mr. Windsor to his face, I deserve this Preferably on the fourth but
As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
Just saw another display name in "fancy" letters (they look like they're from a typewriter) and you should know that screen readers do not treat those as normal letters and read the whole word. They read the name of each individual character. Every single time.
i know *many* people get outraged about children being in restaurants or breweries or whatever, and i can't speak for before the 80s, but the 80s were a golden era of these kinds of spaces actually being adapted *for* children, and i think part of the problem now is that we have a lot of all/nothing
Butter chicken poutine but also my body is making its discomfort for all the dairy I've eaten this weekend known.
If you’re not hard-blocking or lampooning Shakespeare truthers in your mentions, you are having a bad Shakespeare discussion.
seeing ads like this in an issue of strange tales from the 60s really puts some of the crap you run into on the internet. this was pre digital retouching, pre internet, and children were being fed ads for body building scams alongside comics about the fantastic four and Dr Strange.
So many “tradwife” trend pieces just seem so wholly unaware of how much of it is fetish content, it’d be like if there was a Wirecutter piece on the dangers of getting stuck in washing machines
It’s actually not the site’s job to keep you friend group from imploding or conducting varying levels of social and sexual abuse at each other
I've actually started finding annoying blatantly overdetailed alt text. Someone using a screen reader does not need to know what colour the curtains in the background are unless they're actually relevant to the point of why you are sharing the pic.
I fucking love David Tennant SO MUCH! (Source: Georgia Tennant's IG)
i mean, i think the number of people who simply aren’t going to improve even with good quality treatment and support is pretty small. they certainly exist, but this dumb article focuses on them as the main problem, and they aren’t
The fact that the writer of paradise lost was a parliamentarian is the kind of real fact english teachers won't tell you
if i want to watch stargate sg1 do i watch the original movie, i do not really like roland emerich's directing style but
i make jokes but i do love a lot about england, not just because if a bunch of english people hadn't existed i wouldn't exist, but also because a lot of english people have made brilliant art, and it sucks that y'all are currently trapped by insane freaks who want to sell bits of you off to oil
Boeing and every other defense contractor should be nationalized without a penny in compensation. The compensation can be that the executives get to keep their heads if they cooperate.
expropriate now
Yknow as fun as the sex scene with Bull is I feel like him steamrolling you into submitting to him is so gross if you play a mage, especially a qunari mage. Like you can imagine your guy is being into it, but it feel equal to assuming a female partner will enjoy being a sub
Your regular reminder that I personally loathe Noam Chomsky for the reprehensible things he said in apologia for the Khmer Rouge - and has never really taken back. He was no friend to the Cambodian people. (Not to mention his stance on Ukraine).
Every time I see someone talk about cringe culture being dead I roll my eyes because it's not dead, it literally rebranded to "that autistic queer who is annoying in a way I don't like should be harassed"
winter form bunny!!!! (he/him)
Labeled by the author
silly boy
Labeled by the author
reminder that Denmark has literally done child separation policy for non white families and taken their children away from them for feeding them by hand and letting babies share a bed with their mother, requires political illiteracy to be making these takes www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article...
I wish we would. White American socialists are wild with this. They’ll be like look at these humane prisons that are as nice as hotels in countries where they have whole blackface holidays, people of color living there are oppressed, & the whole country was built on white supremacist colonialism.
Indian couple have children taken away by Norwegian social workers because they fed them with their handswww.dailymail.co.uk Anurup Bhattacharya, had his three-year-old son, pictured, and his one-year-old daughter taken away from them by Norway's child protective services.
Rainbow dragon 🌈
I like to peek in to the kitten cams periodically and found mama being a complete CRYPTID last night
Top-leveling because I know it's not widely known but people should know it, the reason to retire your use of the GIF of the little girl in the blue shirt with the pink background smiling and shrugging. Content note: child sexual exploitation, mentions of suicide, the GIF linked for ID purposes