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It smells like shower curtain in here
Fun to discover that working for a video game studio for 11 years and being promoted 4 times was entirely due to being a DEI hire
Reposted byAvatar Alice
one of the reasons why it's hard to explain anti-blackness to non-black people when you feel it is because many black people have had the experience of trying to point out what feels like very obvious racism to their white peers and then were immediately told that it wasn't racism
Men are just mad that they could never go as hard as a girl in a romper and stiletto boots at a music festival
This guys aim was so bad I’d tell him to kill himself but he only would just give himself tinnitus
I’m so fucking worried about everything
my toxic trait is I feel this way about taylor lorenz and the raiya interview too, bigger things to be mad about for someone who is actively trying to help
All I know is that if you think it’s a top leftist priority to yell at Jamelle Bouie, I don’t fucking know what to tell you about priorities
Reposted byAvatar Alice
Been a minute since we've done one of these, but: We recently passed the 3,600 subscriber mark! Merch is on the way -- after we sort through some logistics -- and another podcast isn't far off. Thank you to all of our subscribers, without whom none of this would be possible
We’re all fucked
Me, I’ve been dropping relevant Project 2025 rundowns in any story I can (there’s a lot). My analysis, reading across sections of the “Mandate” document, of Project 2025’s vision of straight white patriarchal power was pub’d in February:
Conservatives Plan to Ban Abortion and Cut LGBT Rights Starting Next Project 2025’s 180-Day Playbook is a remarkably detailed guide to turning the United States into a fascist’s paradise.
There is only one man who can beat Trump in the election
Why would you want a bloodless revolution; the blood is the fun part
How do I move here
Reposted byAvatar Alice
I remember where I was in May 2021 when the first legal challenge to the first ban (AR, still in court) dropped: at the TX state lege while folks were trying to stop their ban (it passed in 2023, was upheld last week). Hat's off to the New York Times, among others, truly.
In just a few years, half of all states passed bans on trans health care for The Supreme Court will hear a case on gender-affirming care in the next term after a flurry of legislation. Lower courts have come to conflicting conclusions when these bans were challenged.
Reposted byAvatar Alice
The surest sign yet we're fucked
The day after the 2020 election I said to a coworker "today is the day I'm going to like Joe Biden the most during his presidency"
Never have I wanted a ceiling to cave in more
I miss the 20 minutes when we thought Zuck was gonna beat the shit out of Elon
Reposted byAvatar Alice
Avatar hey remember when at GDC 2007 you asked me if someone could build a blog to scrape Kotaku and provide the smallest attribution? Apparently it only costs $365 now.
We spent $365 to build an AI news site that publishes 50 times a day, plagiarizes directly from our original reporting, uses services like Fiverr and popular WordPress plugins, is SEO optimized for Google and Adsense & breaks the rules of none of them
I Paid $365.63 to Replace 404 Media With Paying a freelancer on Fiverr to create a plagiarizing ChatGPT-powered news site revealed an industry of middlemen and services trying to game Google Search.
It's wild how shitty Defector's comment section has become
Waiting for my prom date since 1999
Reposted byAvatar Alice
you think tables are a fckn JOKE
Reposted byAvatar Alice
This is the only allyship I want to see this month
Me first please
i absolutely support direct action. in the form of a guillotine
A passable doll liking my comment about being a brick feels transphobic
Reposted byAvatar Alice
"boycott this program you depend on for your livelihood" "watch this show right now or it will be cancelled forever" "sign this petition to beg the billionaires not to run over my dog"
Wore new heels out today and hit a point where my feet were like NOPE NOPE NOPE. The first thing I thought was “oh I hit the tire cliff for these shoes”
Reposted byAvatar Alice
guys midnight suns is now free on the epic game store so you HAVE to play it because i WROTE ON IT