
No. This has to be satire. It HAS to be.
Artists make bad arguments all the time but AI prompters seem very insecure about their “craft” they come up with arbitrary criteria to justify it…if I get the result I want in 3 minutes how is 3 hour prompt session more skillfull?
I would argue that it is actually LESS skill if it takes that long.
Really it's saying "I was actually involved in the process!" the amount effort it takes depends on what result you want. I got great results with one or two goes for an OC of mine, they might say I was lazy/uncreatvie going with the first one but like...if it's what I want it's what I want
whereas when I tried to prompt a female OC in comic book style it took me a few more goes to avoid the "comicbook sex doll face" but what? neither result has anything to do with me it's just the biases of the model
No, it’s just random luck. The more you actively try to shape the output, the more obvious it is that the tool cannot be driven like any reasonable tool, but believers turn this into voodoo to justify their time spent and claim skill.
"How long did it take you?" is such a bad metric to begin with. I've spent years developing my skillset to be able to work quickly. Me being fast, doesn't mean what I do is easy or that I'm half-arsing it. Similarly, someone futzing around for hours with a prompt doesn't guarantee a good result :)
exactly! a 10 minute ink sketch and a 10 hour painting are both equal in being an artistic expression. The only difference js medium and how much of a perfectionist the artist is
Some of those 10 hours will be waiting for the earlier layers of paint to dry