
I'd say they're setting this up to make it so that anything they decide in the moment is a crime, but they already do that (and have for a long time). The difference here is the scale. We haven't seen major mass arrests in Chicago in awhile and this is how they're going to justify them.
Smart & accurate analysis from the ACLU here, but there's more. In protest situations, cops often give conflicting/confusing orders to people, if people can hear them at all. They also tend to escalate first, meaning the second one gets a little hotheaded and shoves someone, the rest will pile on.
In '03 when we took DLSD, a friend was told to move from the sidewalk into the street. They complied & a different cop immediately told them to move to the sidewalk. They told cop "I was just told to move" & before they finished their sentence they were on the ground with a billy club in their back
I've photographed more protests than I can remember and on multiple locations PD will simply decide to rush in swinging without warning. They'll scream "MOVE BACK" even if there's literally nowhere for people to move back to. All of that is to justify arresting whoever they feel like.
I don't believe the Johnson administration or the DNC itself can fully order CPD around, but they certainly can be a major influence on the way they act. It's a choice to let them make up the rules as they go along and eventually break even those. And it's not a good one.
Also I completely get and understand why folks have been making references to '68 for a long while but please remember, a lot has changed since then. Things will be more likely to feel similar to the NATO summit in 2012, anti-war protests in '03, and WTO/FTAA protests in the early aughts/late 90s
Another problem is we have seen already that different protesters are treated different. Proudboys KKK., zionists etc.
That is awful language- you might be peacefully protesting but still breaking the law- Clearly intended to discourage protest
I think it’s more about spreading fear to suppress protest and bystander turnout.
Absolutely! I'm of the mind it's both. Create as much fear as possible to keep as many people away as possible, then feel justified about scooping up the rest and labeling them "outside agitators"
This is where I’m at too. A lot could happen in two months so the most leverage Snelling has is telegraphing reasons to be afraid of showing up. I still think CPD response to DNC protests could go either way.
I agree the cops couid fuck everything up. It’s the most likely problem for DNC. But I think that will come, if at all, from lack of command and control, not by design.
I also sense a tension between CPD’s PR, and Biden’s people about whether the cops are up to this job. We could conceivably see a retreat to McCormick for all events. The arena there is only half the size of the United Center, but adequate for TV.
Moving people from one to the other is their biggest vulnerability. The formal nomination, usually a big deal, has already moved to virtual.
I think the side events are going to be widely and diffusely distributed. For the 2020 DNC in Milwaukee, before the pandemic made it virtual, the plan was for many break out rooms in Chicago because MIL lacked the space to host all the side meetings.
I think the only reason they want the United Center at this point is to have large stadium shots for the big speeches at night.
well yes and no. It's one of the few secure locations that can fit all of the delegates which is already outfitted for the tv coverage.
ah yes, the CPD with their stellar reputation of being good keepers of peace during political conventions
It's always funny when police administration has Constitutional law opinion. Buddy, you're a manger for the racist slob department
oh a police chief weighs in with their interpretation of the constitution
Just makes the protests bigger and more creative
Two more steps and the only freedom of speech there is has to be bought