
A big thing about this is if you think Biden is impaired, this kind of bargaining should strike you as a feeble half-measure, not a savvy option; Biden's supposed impairment has logical consequences for how we understand his refusal and move forward from it
yaasss queen split that baby in half, you’re doing great
I'd be more willing to buy this was garbled but fundamentally about impairment if so many people didn't immediately slip into points about election margins when pressed on this
tbf i think that’s the case they need to make to Biden to get him to step aside: you will definitely lose, but Kamala might win with your blessing the problem is that it’s not a very strong case
Tough to have a rational argument to convince someone of their own electoral decline based on their purported impairment land with the person it would need to, I think.
i think if they had convincing polls to show him they would and it would do it
Right, there's two parts: is he capable, and if so, is a perception of his capability hurting election chances and so far the answers seem to be "Yes" and "No," which is why the handful of senators and House dems over the last week have been odd.