Rose Tyler’s Eye Makeup

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Rose Tyler’s Eye Makeup

Comics meaning sequential art and comics meaning comedians.

I have embarrassingly few followers just now, so if you find me amusing, please join me on my Bsky journey.
Yeah, they asked for my email; maybe I should be less fussy and just give it to them, but in this day and age… I’m positive Amazon has all my info if WaPo really, really wants it.
The article is free, but they still want to know my identity for me to read it? Yeah, I’m alright.
Locally, I buy a lot of stuff from people at SPACE (the small press alternative comic expo). The problem is when I speak to someone whose work is not my cup of tea; they succeed in promoting themselves, but that still doesn’t result in more financial success for them. IDK, I’m not an artist.
As a big comic fan, I can confirm this.
Also known as a pangram! (The more you know…)
Just got blocked by someone over some gay shit, but I can’t tell if that’s good or bad? A person said that “Pride is over.” The reply said we are proud regardless. I responded we have to keep fighting like we always have.
Yeah, no… they aren’t talking about corporate rainbows, they’re talking about how Trump winning will pretty much guarantee the downfall of queer people. It’s only “inside every one of us” if we keep fighting against all the bullshit.
There’s the whole prospect of “house hacking” but I don’t have the heart to make someone else pay my mortgage while living under my thumb. Maybe an equal partner would want to purchase a duplex? Or three equal partners wanting a quad? HMU if you live in Columbus and can *almost* afford a house.
I’d love to find some people who are on the cusp of buying a house who want to go in on an apartment building with me. That’s the new fantasy: form an LLC, acquire a building, run it as a co-op. Who’s with me?
Errr, rather when I say house I mean residence, because it would be more like a condo. I’m very happy with the lifestyle of living in my apartment, but I’m very tired of forking out money to my landlord. Really the landlord is the only problem… and my current landlord is relatively good 😓
Might I suggest “Abby sucks. What the fuck is she even talking about?” for a t-shirt
This one I can see… so you might want to check your settings 😅 I’d be curious to know what I said that was so distasteful, but I know there’s really no point in opening that can of worms
I go into the Kroger and buy stuff for the people who live outside of the Kroger, but I’m not on the Supreme Court
I do give folks money and take good stuff to the swap meet and redistribute excess foods that I have, but I make less than the median income, there’s only so much I can do. My point is what can we all do together to make an impact while the Supreme Court exists the way it does?
Wow, I’m fighting with people who probably agree with me for asking a question that I intended sincerely and genuinely. I’m done for today. Time to go touch grass at the park.
No exclamation points, just genuinely trying to engage in a conversation about this so that lefties can take action together in an organized way.
Oh man, starting fights with people who ultimately agree with me. Being a lefty is so much fun 🙃
Please tell me what you are doing to help the unhoused besides agreeing with things in the internet?
And notice how not one of them said anything? Not even a hardy agreement? Look, I can get a little aspy at times, but please continue to jump all over me.
Is that a thing in the internet?! Like if y out comment it means you hate it?!
Because it says everybody? Like I said? I’m just tired of getting lumped in with politicians who don’t represent me, so I was trying to engage in an actual conversation (like I said) and this is the result.
It’s the Community Festival, y’all! If you aren’t familiar with Comfest and you are able to travel to Columbus, Ohio at the end of June, I highly recommend you do. Some momentum was lost after 2020, but it finally feels like Comfest again.
I’m actually looking at mutual aid groups right now. I’m fairly new to Bluesky. But thanks again!
You're not gonna solve homelessness by not caring about struggling people everybody. That's not how you're gonna get rid of the fact that folks have nowhere to go but the streets. It happens when the entire social net has failed a person. You're not supposed to be above being part of someone's net.
I’m going to take the “you’re” literally since you also said everybody. What do you propose I do? What do you presume is my level of care for struggling people? I’m not intending to be rude here, just genuinely curious about perspectives on this issue.