
I have read plenty of articles about how The Kids Today don’t play outside anymore, but would like to read one about how the olds today want to sic the cops on them the moment they step outside
Also: driver hits/kills child Endless readers: pop up to comment about how child was idiot who clearly had no idea how to cross a street
I sincerely hate cars. Everything about the contemporary culture concerning cars is just disgusting. Somehow US has it on steroids with the gigantic cars, miniscule space for everybody else and so on
Just out of curiosity, where abouts do you live? Is it part of the US that has good transit like NY or Chicago, or is it another country that’s better at this than we are?
Here in Jacksonville, FL I live on what people consider a through street. Through meaning my dog and I can't walk through the neighborhood without being concerned about poor visibility trucks and SUVs barreling through at 40 mph. There are zero sidewalks, despite the road being barely 2 cars wide.
"oh, you must live out some dirt road near farmland!" No, we live in the single family home sprawl of a city that designed neighborhood street sizes back when cars were still a bit of a novelty and nobody in the neighborhood could afford one.
Same. I live in central Ohio. The apartment complex I lived in for years was adjacent to a big highway on-ramp, so there was LEGALLY and PRACTICALLY no way to travel on foot. It was a shame because it was near a posh, walkable area, but I always had to talk my car to get there.
I talk to my car too lol. but seriously, yeah, to safely get a good walk in we have to drive somewhere else. it's so ridiculous to have to be car dependent just to get somewhere that we can walk without fear of being mowed down.