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They/them. Abolitionist attorney, queer about town, weird at parties, a delight in meetings. Opinions my own. No legal advice, obvi
The class I took with this man was the absolute biggest waste of time of my academic career, and I have a degree in women's studies from a catholic university
Adam Liptak should be fired for this. It's not some sort of minor technical error or a debatable issue. He's simply lying.
I literally think of Clooney as "the one with an age appropriate partner, my friend he is retired
When you've lost Clooney, you've lost America (c. 2000)
I have a Bernie Bro coworker who doesn't believe that misogyny had anything to do with the 2016 election because the implications would suck if true
i really don't know what to think about the biden situation, but i have a few friends who are gung ho "biden needs to resign" types and it's funny to watch them all get hyped up and then immediately deflate when i say "so, kamala?"
Reposted byAvatar Jouster
I can’t believe the Supreme Court just ruled that the president can sleep outdoors in a public space.
The Butch Lesbian didn't unarrest herself for you to paint a rainbow on a war criminal's toy bomber and think you have anything to be proud of
End of feed.