
It’s got to be rough for the “Climate change is a hoax” folks to see the climate changing so drastically. It’s hard for me and I knew to expect it.
An older relative of mine finally acknowledged it but threw up her hands and said, "What does it matter, I'll be dead by then!" And I said, "But my kids and I won't be??" Really awkward silence. Sucks for us I guess!
That is a moment of devastating clarity.
I genuinely think a lot of them will jump straight to "this is God punishing us for our sins" rather than admit it's anthropogenic and that they were wrong.
I wonder how long they will be able to remain in denial for. I suspect it's going to be a very long time.
Yeah, they'll just switch denial tracks to "it was always going to happen anyway, so nothing we can do" bullshit.
I've been seeing that shift for a few years now. It's about anything but responsibility for them.
They're like the frog boiling slowly...
Except those frogs had their brains removed literally, not just figuratively.
My guess/fear is that they will switch like a lamp en mass to eco-fascism and genocide.
Nah. I said to one climate denier that this will be the hottest year of all time and he just rolled his eyes and said, "they say that *every year*," as if that somehow disproved my point, and without the slightest hint of cognative dissonance.
I think very few things are tough to reckon with when your brain is mostly mashed potatoes.
When someone says they don’t believe in global warming I think of Tank’s last line to Cypher at the end of The Matrix.
The petty part of me hopes it is really rough for them. Like some of them might actually feel bad about anything? OK, good. Maybe it'll motivate them to act.