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(They/he) 🍂 I wear socks. Always. There will be spelling errors. The dog's name is Henson. Södra Mörkmården.

Art jobs/commissions: ✉[email protected] but @nyvinter basically everywhere
Reposted byAvatar Nicklas
Back from another enjoyable Readercon weekend. Checked all the reports this morning and while we were there, the subscriber goal inched to within 200. We're now 191 subscribers away from what we had before Amazon ended their subscription program.
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Subscribe to Clarkesworld Magazine
Reposted byAvatar Nicklas
Vi tar det igen: Alla transfober kommer, så fort de tror att det är socialt acceptabelt, visa sig vara exakt lika vidriga homofober. Tro inte att dessa är frånskilda ting.
Darth Ragu. Damn, it actually sounds like a low effort Star Wars name.
Darth kanelbulle
Reposted byAvatar Nicklas
I tend to do some photo collage/manipulation as part of my campaign pitches — sets a mood right away in ways a short paragraph don't. (It's also art practice while not straining the arm.)
My idea to run a cybernoir game with no aliens, just humans and various human-made player options has reignited this week. Like five humans (cyborg, duster. earthborn, lunary, spliced), two clones (clones and copyright infringed clones (aka replicants)) as well as four synthetic androids. #ttrpg
This is how a Swedish horror author who's popular with the local ttrpg scene writes, not a comma in sight. And it's *frustrating* to read for me, because after a while — more often than not — it's like a two-stroke engine than repeatedly lurches forwards and then chokes before it gets you anywhere.
Oh, he mentions rhythm in his book. He just wants you to do it with short sentences.
Reposted byAvatar Nicklas
I've signed this, and if you're in the UK, I hope you'll sign it, too. As more than one person has pointed out, puberty blockers are reversible; suicide isn't. Gender affirming care has been proven to save trans lives.
Labour members have opened a petition to Wes Streeting. Anyone can sign it. "We, the undersigned, are calling on you to immediately withdraw your support for the ban on puberty blockers for trans young people." #transgender #LGBTQ #LGBT #Labour #trans
I tend to do some photo collage/manipulation as part of my campaign pitches — sets a mood right away in ways a short paragraph don't. (It's also art practice while not straining the arm.)
My idea to run a cybernoir game with no aliens, just humans and various human-made player options has reignited this week. Like five humans (cyborg, duster. earthborn, lunary, spliced), two clones (clones and copyright infringed clones (aka replicants)) as well as four synthetic androids. #ttrpg
Reposted byAvatar Nicklas
Also, Kobo users rejoice! If you’re itching to boycott Prime Day bc of Amazon’s abhorrent labor practices: Kobo does ebooks and is Kindle’s main competitor, and they named THE GHOSTKEEPER as one of their Best Books of the Month for July! 🤗
My idea to run a cybernoir game with no aliens, just humans and various human-made player options has reignited this week. Like five humans (cyborg, duster. earthborn, lunary, spliced), two clones (clones and copyright infringed clones (aka replicants)) as well as four synthetic androids. #ttrpg
Reposted byAvatar Nicklas
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Since my birthday is coming up next month, I do have a wishlist for stuff — I'll be honest, it's mostly books. If you don't know me well enough to get my address, then there's always or ordering some art commissions. I'm easy that way.
nyvinter's gift Lists to sites that hopefully won't eat packages
Headaches (due to weather changes), arm muscles going "no, not now. Try later." and existential anxiety has been my week. I hope you've had it a lot better. Since it's the 16th today here now, it's one month to my birthday.
Reposted byAvatar Nicklas
Important stuff here. explains that conservatives say "pornography" to mean LGBTQ+ people. They claim the mere knowledge that trans people or same sex couples exist harms children and must be banned. Their weird shorthand for that is the call to ban pornography.
The Real Targets of Project 2025’s War on It’s not just about people watching porn. It’s drag queens, trans people, LGBTQ library books, and more.
Reposted byAvatar Nicklas
Reposted byAvatar Nicklas
Since the Uncanny Magazine Year 11: This One Goes to ELEVEN! Kickstarter has over 625 Backers, here is an EXCLUSIVE interview with solicited poet Brandon O'Brien!
I had missed this and it's downright amazing! At least the first half-hour, I have to pause to marvel at their choices.
As soon as Vic Michaelis showed up as Obi-Wan, I knew the Star Wars Minute live reading of Phantom Menace was gonna be special. Also the instant Matt Gourley decided that Nute Gunray would be a genteel Southern gentleman.
THE NABOO MOVIE - A 25th Anniversary All Star Live Reading of Star Wars Ep 1: The Phantom THE NABOO MOVIE: A LIVE STAGED READING OF THE PHANTOM MENACE25 years ago visionary filmmaker George Lucas showed us an astonishing world of podracing, Midich...
Reposted byAvatar Nicklas
So, TTRPG writing friends. I'm in a bit of a pinch. I need to get a new PC, and I'm needing the spare cash to do so. Can anyone throw any freelance writing my way? I make adventures, game content, you know the drill. My work is Ennie-winning and affordable. Email me at [email protected]
We had some sun in between the rain.
Reposted byAvatar Nicklas
all the culture you liked from decades past was made possible by cheap rent and artists' pay keeping up with what things cost
It's because we all have day jobs, advances are pennies, publishers don't market, one underperforming book tanks your career, and we're expected to be well-tuned brand machines on social media websites designed to suck our souls dry.
You will be judged if you leave before the dog says it's okay to leave.
Reposted byAvatar Nicklas
Reposted byAvatar Nicklas
Det här är så bortom vad som borde vara möjligt i en demokrati. Chalmers tillkallar POLIS och en _myndighet_ tycker inte att utövande av grundlagsskyddade rättigheter kvalar in som "hederligt leverne".
Chalmersstudent bjöd på Gaza-fika – nekas svenskt Studenter bjöd på kakor och sjöng Palestina-sång. Chalmers direktör ringde polisen.
Om Mikael Gyllenhammar inte klarar av att studenter sjunger och bjuder på fika, så kanske det är han som borde ge upp sitt medborgarskap. Han borde i varje fall stiga ner från studentkåren för han har fan inte deras "säkerhet" i åtanke om han överreagerar så här.
Chalmersstudent bjöd på Gaza-fika – nekas svenskt Studenter bjöd på kakor och sjöng Palestina-sång. Chalmers direktör ringde polisen.
Reposted byAvatar Nicklas
I know this was last month, but this thread still very much stands. (He's free from the collar now though and healed good after surgery.)
I DO ART! Vet visits for Henson cost money and so does living for the humans. So a slightly better economy would be nice and help a lot. Like a lot a lot. I mostly do character are but can and have done other things too. (📧 [email protected]) #art #commissions #artistforhire #ttrpg [1]
What are four comics you don't only like, you draw inspiration from. (I'm pretty darn basic in my comic taste.)
What are four comics you don't only like, you draw inspiration from
I know this was last month, but this thread still very much stands. (He's free from the collar now though and healed good after surgery.)
I DO ART! Vet visits for Henson cost money and so does living for the humans. So a slightly better economy would be nice and help a lot. Like a lot a lot. I mostly do character are but can and have done other things too. (📧 [email protected]) #art #commissions #artistforhire #ttrpg [1]
"I play D&D because I like simulationist rules" < Me hastily backing out of that discussion because clearly we have no mutual frame of reference when it comes to ttrpgs and rules >