acerbic otter is HOT (NO not like THAT)

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acerbic otter is HOT (NO not like THAT)

Yes, I’m that one, if you know me from other online spaces. The ecology-professor one. Opinions are my own and definitely do not reflect those of my workplace.

If your first interaction with me is a hostile "joke," enjoy your block
Oh I do consider it every day but it can become such an intrusive thought it's hard for me to function if I look too closely at it. And a lot of days I don't feel I'm putting out much good no matter how I try
big air pressure change in your area? That'll do it to me.
No, I wouldn't even normally wear a belt! I wear sack dresses mostly that don't have belts. Like I said: if a shooter shows up I assume I'm dead.
I dunno guys. I've never been shot at (thank God) or been in a situation where someone pulled a gun. But I have had some low-level active shooter training, and all the bonkers propaganda that gets pushed ("Faculty: take off your belt and use to to hold the door closed!" Hello, they are WOOD doors)
(And from every news account I've heard? someone with something stronger than birdshot is just going to OBLITERATE you standing behind that door). My fundamental assumption is: if someone shows up with a gun in my building, I'm probably dead. Maybe not if I can get myself and my students in a
room and lock it down with the lights out and we WAIT OUT and hope that the cops get there soon and murk the guy shooting, or that it's clear that bugging out the back door and running (which, ha ha, I can't do any more with a busted meniscus) to get away....well, I'm probably dead anyway.
and yeah, we had an incident last fall of a disturbed guy walking up and down the road next to my building with a shotgun. He was mainly a threat to himself but we all locked down and I sat on the floor of my locked office with the lights out for like an hour. And we've had troubled students but
fortunately they didn't bring weapons. Anyway: I know I'm probably dead if someone shows up determined to kill, especially if I am a target, or a student in my class is a target, or it's someone with a beef against environmental education. I hate that that's in my head and I try to stuff it down
You have to. One thing my dad dying in 2019 taught me was that once you become aware of your own mortality in more than an abstract way, the only way to stay functional is to stuff it down as much as possible. But anyway. I wouldn't wish being shot at on EVEN MY WORST ENEMY
I mean, I would hope his heart and mind was changed by this. (we are told to pray for our enemies, but as a minister friend once told me w/ a twinkle in his eye: "praying for their hearts to change is STILL praying!") I don't know if they will but....I wish no one had to look over their shoulder
I have that cartoon hanging on my office door!
yeah, I know, but it's the only change i made and there's a huge difference and unless my menicus miraculously rejoined itself overnight it's gotta be the Birks
this kind of "forced participation" is as bad - or possibly even worse - than telling students the grades their classmates earned (which is illegal under FERPA now, but was sometimes done when I was a student)
Not ever. This is a betrayal of the student teacher contract. Students should not have to guard themselves against being used as exemplars for the education of their peers. It is sickening and it demonstrates a disparity in the equitable management of your classroom and your curriculum.
I've had a student who was a transman (he came to me before the semester because they had his deadname on the roster and he didn't want confusion) and someone who was probably NB (they were in a survey class and I didn't often speak directly to them) you just let people be who they are;
don't make a deal about it. I figure I'm supposed to be the model for my students and if I'm not phased by someone who is NB or trans, maybe students of mine who aren't used to that will think "ok okay this older lady who teaches me seems to be okay with it so maybe I should be to"
honestly if my transman student had had his real name on the roster and he hadn't told me, I'd never even have known. (Apparently some of the students did know him pre-transition, I did not)
And this is why I, a hetero woman, am still single
these Big Brother ads make me think they found the most toxic people they could to stick in that house. I get that it's a totally faked up show but it doesn't say something great that we have a game show that celebrates deviousness and backstabbing
okay, I whoop-laughed at this
this will never not cheer me up .
Exile the people that do this.
Whenever I see a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on a hotel room door, I always turn it over to the cleaning request sign.
I saw my neighbor's cat, and three squirrels over at work and two of the crows from the 6-crow polycule murder that lives near my classroom building
oh yes the perfect orange-bun roll cat! I love his patterning