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democracy | equality | science | pixels | freedom | fun ?

My apologies if I sometimes miss writing entire words. I am recovering from a neuro issue.

This lives rent free in my mind for some reason.
A lot of things are horrible recently, but look… something good happened! Wikipedia dark mode! Only on mobile for now, but on desktop soon as well. Does anyone have a clue why this took so long for them to add?
The U.S. Army destroys the Nazi Swastika over the Nuremberg parade grounds, 1945
New Idaho state law for entering a public library. Fear of knowledge is the new normal.
It's almost as if David O. Sacks and Elon Musk were entirely wrong, and we should have supported Ukraine to maximum effect immediately. Meanwhile, in Ukraine's occupied territories there are billboards for "Summer Camp in North Korea!" for Ukrainian children.
I took this photo in The Giant Mountains, on the Polish side of the border. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_M... #photography #longexposure
Barack Obama speaks truth about the debate:
That one is in a tight battle with this one from the last 24hrs.
Holy crap. I had never heard of the movie Mars Express until watching it today. It is certainly some of my favorite sci-fi in years. Highly recommend. www.rottentomatoes.com/m/mars_express #scifi #movies #animation
Totally. The political compass is not even close to enough information for describing personal beliefs, it's just a quadrant graph ffs. Here are images of tensors, and while I find them much more appropriate, I suppose I understand why they are not a common tool in political communication:
To be even more fair to the "AI" haters, we have people like the CTO of OpenAI trying to make herself and her field feel better by saying "please read the room" things like this:
I really appreciate you take the time to reply. I worry about us sometimes, because while we on "the left" agree on so much, we are caught up on specifics... which is not a bad thing until this happens: 😅
I understand that nearly everyone here hates OpenAI & ChatGPT. However, there are some things that GPT-4o can do for free, which are nearly magical and close to perfect, and help the hard of sight. In 5 seconds, you can create alt text for images such as comics or charts. Check out this alt text:
The Northeast is also really weird about heat sources for individual homes. A lot of people get their homes filled up with heating oil, a low grade diesel. There are no emission controls either.
I marched against Iraq not because I was a pacifist, but because it was the dumbest military strategy imaginable. In response to our well reasoned protests, we got widespread implementation of "Free Speech Zones," mostly by Bush's Secret Service, but also others. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_sp...
One day bluesky might accidentally open the website in a non-MacOS browser, see this scrollbar ugliness, and fix it. I have this fixed via css override on FF, but I pray nightly for everyone else who is not using MacOS.
Awe inspiring photo of the moon Phobos orbiting Mars at 6000 km. For reference, our moon orbits at a distance of 384,000 km. This is not a composite image. It is a single b/w photo taken by ESA's Mars Express, colorized by Andrea Luck. source: www.flickr.com/photos/19227... #Space #Mars #ESA
Photos from last summer in Prague. It’s one of those places where pictures like this just magically seem to happen. #photography #prague
If you want to see what's happening: 1) set your language settings to "none" on the Content Language, as in the photo. 2) use the Bksy translate feature in the "..." menu to experience the full joy.
Bsky's CSS on desktop in Firefox has been bothering me a bit, so I made some overrides. I don't understand CSS much, esp how React Native uses it, so feedback is appreciated. See Alt Text for info and CSS code. How to use it in FF with no extension: superuser.com/questions/31... #UI #firefox
Please do not interact with this post, it is a test for a bug report. (2/2)
Reflections of Prague on the Vltava River. While taking this photo, a giant rodent call a nutria climbed out of the water to say hello to me. Let’s all pretend that I didn’t jump in fear. #photography #prague #abstract
Walking up to a friends flat in Prague, I found these shoes left abandoned. I really want to know the story.