
Block the nazis and move on instead of incentivizing their content strategy is a norm I hope continues as this site grows.
The Bush-era liberal fetish for engagement and discussion as a way to win over people are on the right has done a lot of damage to a lot of brains, and I’m glad people are finally starting to figure it out.
Two decades now of the school counselor telling us to shake hands and make up with the bullies.
If you can't coldcock a nazi block a nazi
Think of blocking as a digital punch to the temple.
That’s why bluesky is so peaceful and fun. I had to leave Twitter when I saw an ad directly attacking me as a Jewish person and mtg literally said she would end lgbtqia+ people. Twitter is a shit show
Yes! Thank you. They want people to dunk on their awful tweets to give them engagements.
I just wish we’d had enough noise from the zine scene to realize “don’t feed the trolls” absolutely also applies to entire publishing companies.
Mass-uasge of old forum etiquette on social media would help a lot. “Don’t feed the trolls” was like rule #1 on a lot of them, and repeatedly engaging could get you banned as well.
My experience on here is that where you would see nazis on X, you see a drawing of a dragon boning a raccoon or some other totally innocuous internet shit on Bluesky.
i must say i've seen none except for those that are quote retweeted or screenshotted. they dont seem to be prospering here
That is how I felt about Twitter back in 2014.
Sorry if that sounded aggro they just make me anxious lol
I agree completely. I don’t want to see them or hear about them. Block them and let it be clear they aren’t welcome.
More people need to understand this.
I like how it wasn’t that people talked about it being what should be the case. The vast majority of the community just implicitly agreed not to bother engaging and simply continue to have fun together.
Someone please write a catchy song about it
I hope dunking culture doesn't make its way over here
I wish people would often hold back what doesn't actually contribute. I don't understand the necessity of creating a power dichotomy of who is right, it's like making dialogue a competitive sport lol
It turned so many corners of Twitter insanely toxic and echo chambery, especially with any remotely political topic. It even creeped its way into everything else with the constant drama going on at any large corner there
I just deleted my last account (2017-2023), the platform is on a track to be removed from the store eventually anyways so I wanted to be proactive. But also yeah, it was becoming stagnant, every topic was a dead horse. I mostly follow scientists on here now rather than a bundle of explicit leftists.
Hellbanning is good and twitter should have been doing it.
It won’t work short term on Twitter because it is self fulfilling but that will crash soon enough as well
Blocking Nazis is self care, but there are side effects, not challenging them gives their indoctrination techniques time to work on the susceptible and gives them time to plan crimes. Take care of yourself, but don't abandon the fight
The issue is that social networks are not about winning the argument, they are about visibility. Whoever can drive the conversation is already winning. Engaging spreads the message; the more people engage thinking they are winning the argument, the more the message becomes available and normalized.
To be honest me engaging with the Nazi would be so dumb the Nazi would probably win converts. It's not my ministry
Its incredible how on bird app theyre constantly giving their horrible takes a plataform and even more eyes to see
I have blocked tens of thousands using automated tools, but there seems to be no end to them.
Its like swimming upwards a current
Nah. They have lie socal and Musk x for their hate. Not gonna have it here.
The "Talk To The Hand Strategy" is the only winner. ✋️ See also: Crypto, A.I., Religious Proselytiser, etc.
I seriously don't have context but hope they're not on here already because... well. I just had a jumpscare from a screenshot of that other place thinking it was occurring here too.
Thankfully the moment they’re seen everyone can block/report on sight
huh. I seriously don't know how reporting works with this protocol ? it's very uh... what's the word for open standards which aren't compatible with previous open standards?
I’m sorry? I don’t know what you mean but I apologize if I’ve upset you
half-baked infrastructure admin gripe. every 5-10 years someone comes up with at least 1 new protocol. there's gotta be hundreds of microblogging implementations at this point and I'm positive none of them handle blocking the same way. bsky opted to be a new thing.
Ah I see. I know there’s not much I can do so I was merely talking about the “don’t feed the trolls” path of block and report before moving on to show the terrible people currently turning Twitter into a cesspool that they aren’t welcome here
This plutonium is still radioactive, even after I've been so polite!
My policy is never to feed the trolls.
Great first step. Pity though I'm not seeing something I asked on Twitter before I left it, namely to seek out voices not heard enough. Put it bluntly: if you only register Orbán when he appears on tucker but disregard what the does through cpac it's still not being up to date.
Strikes me as a much better plan than "it's time to get rid of free speech."