
I am not going to make a prediction but the fact that the supreme court is a lawless cabal of fox news granpas is a reason for pessimism
Yeah it’s a real neck-and-neck race between “there’s no clear legal path to even get to scotus” and “alito says it’s overturned because fuck you that’s why” My instinct is that they wait to see if he wins. If he wins it’s part of the coronation, if he loses they no longer have any use for him.
There is truly no plausible path to review in the Supreme Court before the election unless they want to literally, not figuratively, throw out 245 years of practice about SCOTUS review of state court decisions.
Yeah if you’re the Supreme Court you just do this
When you have a completely arbitrary made-up criteria for plucking out any case that you think raises “major questions”…
That’s not how Supreme Court jurisdiction works.
Except when it does. See the entire weird shadow docket stuff the last few years.
You do not decide the merits through the shadow docket, by definition. If you can find me a merits decision reversing a state court final judgment through the shadow docket, I will take it. But I don’t see one.
Right but they directionally/procedurally shape or skew or avoid merits decisions through the shadow docket. Literally why the term exists as an item of controversy.
None of that has an ability to affect the question of whether a criminal conviction is affirmed or reversed. There is no shading to do there. If they want him to not be convicted they need to write “judgment vacated”, which is a merits decision.
This court has been pretty flexible when they determine standing, it’s not as if they care about anything but the desired result
There are rules that they are happy to ignore (substantive rules) and rules that they observe because they don’t limit their ability to rule however they want in the end, but give an air of legitimacy. This is the second kind, which is why I predict they follow it.
“Throw out” is your language, champ.
There is truly no plausible path to review in the Supreme Court before the election unless they want to literally, not figuratively, throw out 245 years of practice about SCOTUS review of state court decisions.
Oh, that counts as “thrown out,” which is why I was confused. I see a difference between a one-time merits rule and “we are ignoring our jurisdiction.” Bush was insane on the substance but procedurally easy. Abandoning procedure on this level is abandoning the pretense of being a court.
How would this even go? My imagination genuinely fails me here. How does SCOTUS warp original jurisdiction to circumvent the state appellate process?
Nobody who predicts this happening has a legal argument to offer. Something involving the All Writs Act, 28 USC 1257 or 2254 presumably.
if need be Sam Alito can ask his wife to hang a flag outside the court with an image of 6 justices giving the middle finger, as an explanation
They were reviewing a decision of the Florida Supreme Court there, which was expedited because everyone agreed there was a ticking clock. There’s not even going to be a decision by the Appellate Division before the election unless something really weird happens.
I hope you’re right but the point is they don’t have to throw out anything, they can just say “it’s a special circumstance just this once” and no one can say different
What do you mean by “throw out”? The court is “final and so infallible” in every case and was also in Texas v. Pennsylvania. The question is whether they want to pretend to be a court, and I say they do.
They do whatever the fuck they want. They have made that very, very clear
Texas v. Pennsylvania (2020). They are not infinitely depraved.
Sure, maybe they take the occasion to order that all Democrats be summarily executed, why not?
I retired my crystal ball in November of 2016
Stare decisis is a land of contrast
4 years. You or I would be in our 3rd year of prison.