
There is no position taken by conservative nutjobs on social media, no matter how much it contradicts even right wing precedent, that Alito will not try to make respectable
Running the country on vibes seems unideal
Shouting fire in a crowded theater is fine. That's what he is saying.
"officials placed unrelenting pressure" Is this actually supported by evidence in this or any case, or is this Alito deciding Supreme Court cases based on FoxNews testimony?
Alito: "No, I haven't read the literal words of the First Amendment but I've got a preeeetty good idea what's in there."
1A: "I fly insurrection flag, hurrrr."
He did it in _Kennedy_, why would he stop now?
It's all FOX news now. The people in charge have been brainwashed by it and now they think it's real.
Actual facts of the case be damned.
You know it's bad when Barrett looks positively sane when compared with Alito. Also, I'm old enough to remember when people would mock anyone who openly talked about the "Deep State", but now it's just the reality these dipshits live in.