Alexandra de Gendre

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Alexandra de Gendre

Economist • McKenzie Postdoc @ University of Melbourne • Interested in Education, Health, School Choice, Social Security and excited about all things meta-science
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Here is a list of economists on Bluesky — thanks Lukas for creating this Econ Starter Pack!
I tried to collect econ-related accounts that have a non-zero chance of posting here: (happy to receive suggestions, incl self-nominations)
“Using the p-curve to infer the presence of true effects or p-hacking in observational research is likely to result in false inferences.” #MetaSci #Stats
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
So agree!!
In the early Twitter days science types would show up and post when they had a new paper. Wonderful! But real talk y'all: papers take ages to write. So, post about other people's stuff! You read a paper and it was cool! Or you had a question! Or it tied to this other thing! Tag the authors!
So true
The internet archive is, like the high medieval, a selectively recorded chunk of calcified meanings and motivations from figures and institutions often long dead, whose unity exists mostly in retrospect. Still - a fine thing to go into battle for. So don those plates. It's time to become the Don.
Make sure to read this if your research is focused on policy evaluation and policy making! 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
We all know there are plenty of problems with the publication process in econ, but which ones matter most and how to address them? Please share your views with a joint AEA-EEA-ES-RES committee that will try to suggest solutions. Link to member survey: 📉📈
Love this! Thanks for sharing! I don’t teach but I often find myself explaining my job to friends and family, and I found your list perfect. I love the bit about excluding “conclusions” that often alienate people eg about government intervention and markets. Thanks!
New post today! I join the long proud tradition of finding new ways to sum up the principles of microeconomics in a list of bullet points. I think it goes well!
Yet Another Crack at the Principles of Surely this time it's solved
Come do a PhD with us (at the University of Melbourne) and our colleagues at KU Leuven! The projects are in psych and metascience, evaluating the quality of evidence in various areas of psychology. Please share with students who might be interested!
Fancy doing a PhD at the crossroads of memory research, clinical psychology and metascience? And travelling the globe while doing so? Come work with and me at KU Leuven and UniMelb and get a joint PhD degree! [please distribute] 1/2
Reconsolidation-based therapies: Science & fiction (joint PhD Leuven/Melbourne) Do a PhD in Leuven and Melbourne on a topic at the intersection of the science of memory, clinical psychology and meta-science
Avatar strikes back!! This is fantastic work. Lots of food for thought on improving the reliability of estimates and the quality of scientific findings.
New DP: Which AER papers were robust (in terms of the % of robustness checks significant at 5%) was predictable by our survey participants, but the survey participants were overly optimistic and overestimated the degree of robustness reproducibility
Paying researchers to focus on detecting errors is a simple idea that could may a big difference for the ability of science to self-correct. But perhaps more importantly research funding could include dedicated funds to “auditing”, and work contracts should account for time in this sort of service.
Science can be self-correcting — but only if we invest in making it so. Our view on the staggering costs of undetected errors in science, and why funding error detection and correction is less expensive, published today in Nature
Pay researchers to spot errors in published Borrowing the idea of ‘bug bounties’ from the technology industry could provide a systematic way to detect and correct the errors that litter the scientific literature. Borrowing the idea of ‘bug boun...
This is the pension fund of all academia in Australia.
Oh damn
You might like our paper. Feedback and RT most welcome!
Are teachers *generally* better at teaching students of their own sex?   NO in primary education, YES in secondary education.   A 🧵 generalizability and same-sex teacher effects
‪New work with awesome coauthors , and exploring the generalizability of same-sex teacher effects by combining existing multi-country data and met analysis tools. Check out the thread below! ‬
Are teachers *generally* better at teaching students of their own sex?   NO in primary education, YES in secondary education.   A 🧵 generalizability and same-sex teacher effects
Our work with , and Yves Zenou combines a simple model and awesome data to show how and why disadvantaged minorities in the classroom to affect behaviors of students, parents and teachers, and ultimately test scores. Check it out!
So happy and excited to release this WP with and ! Full thread on paper here 👇🏽
Are teachers *generally* better at teaching students of their own sex?   NO in primary education, YES in secondary education.   A 🧵 generalizability and same-sex teacher effects
Are teachers *generally* better at teaching students of their own sex?   NO in primary education, YES in secondary education.   A 🧵 generalizability and same-sex teacher effects
Check out new Working Paper on how students parents and teachers respond to exposure to minority students in the classroom. Love this project with and Yves Zenou!
Fascinating !!!
An interesting bittersweet note from academics who ‘suddenly had so many new sources to work with, they realised they had to scrap their current conclusions and start again’. Perhaps unexpected consequences, but a problem we should all like to have. #archives #transkribus #digitisation
Transcribing 3 million scans at the National Archives of the Some Transkribus projects are just a few pages long. Many are a few hundred or thousand pages long. But the latest Transkribus project at the National
In Paris to visit family, and once again I rediscover how unlivable this city is for anybody with a stroller, a wheelchair or simply old. I really wonder Paris will host the Olympics and Paralympics.
This is such important work!!
How does housing assistance affect child welfare involvement? Wi/ 6mo, family reunification ⬆️ 68% among kids in foster care, w/ more child welfare involvement among kids in in-home care. Plus shelter use ⬇️ 1/2 & rapid-rehousing ⬆️2x. Full report:
Bringing Families Home Program Evaluation - California Policy REPORT: Bringing Families Home Program Evaluation  POLICY BRIEF: Bringing Families Home Program Evaluation TECHNICAL APPENDIX: Bringing Families Home Program Evaluation PRESS RELEASE: Research Shows P...
😳 thank you Mr Reagan and Mrs Thatcher? Shocking
The people who complain about class warfare won the war - the richest 400 Americans now pay the same effective tax rate as the poorest half of America.
Scary!! But good to know!!
🆕 Today's joint blog post with "Our new study showed that recruiters were only a bit better than a coin flip at making value judgments & they still all disagreed with each other about what a good candidate looks like." #econsky #datasci #cssky #AI
The data collection effort is insane and their methodology is very cool and creative, love it !!
Hey you! Check out this cool new paper. "War Causes Religiosity" The authors scraped web images of hundreds of thousands of gravestones of deceased U.S. Americans. People who were randomly drafted into war are at least 20% more likely to have religious gravestones
I did the math in 2019. The last time Tri-Council scholarships and postdoctoral funding in Canada was adjusted was in 2003. *In 2019*, basic inflation adjustments alone would have added $9,000 to Master's-level scholarships and more than $11,000 to PhD scholarships. Postdocs nearly $15,000.