Elizabeth Linos

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Elizabeth Linos


Assoc Prof of Public Policy & Management, Harvard Kennedy School
Faculty Director, The People Lab
Ok it's possible we should all move to Denmark. Thank you to @flokeppeler.bsky.social Lotte Bogh Andersen & everyone at the King Frederik Center for hosting us & for all the incredible work you do! And what a treat to see @donmoyn.bsky.social and Mary Feeney being their kind and hilarious selves :)
Terrific webinar 3/22, 9-4:30ET by National Academies: "Behavioral Economics: Policy Applications & Practical Guidance for State & Local Initiatives." Speakers including Alison Buttenheim, @elizabethlinos.bsky.social, David Yokum, Laurel Adams. Register: events.nationalacademies.org/42157_03-202...
Friends! I'm looking for nurses based in Europe to take a short survey for a study. I'm struggling to find people (I've gone through various instutitional routes) but if you know any nurses in Europe can you send them my way?
This role will be the first contact, overall lab manager, and representative of @elizabethlinos.bsky.social & TPL. If you thrive in a challenging environment, can manage very complex schedules and want to support students, scholars, & governments, apply today! t.co/lIxwA8OAv3 (2/2)
Careerst.co Visit the post for more.
🚨WE ARE HIRING!🚨  Is your super power getting things done? Is your dream job "chief of staff"? Do you want to ensure research makes an impact in the real world? Apply to be @elizabethlinos.bsky.social's Senior Executive Assistant and Faculty Program Manager! t.co/lIxwA8OAv3 (1/2)
Careerst.co Visit the post for more.
So excited this is out! It's still quite rare that we can say something useful and new to our government partners. This is one such thing.
🚨 NEW PAPER IN NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR 🚨  Across a range of contexts, we find a counterintuitive #FormalityEffect: Formal government communications are more effective than informal ones at shifting residents’ behavior. 1/ 🧵 With @karminker.bsky.social, Chris Larkin, Lindsay M. Moore. rdcu.be/drRnl
3️⃣. We find that *both* White men AND White women negatively affect turnover rates for Black women. A one-standard-deviation increase in #BlackWomen's initial share of White co-workers is associated with a 10.6% increase in their 2-year turnover rate. 4/
1️⃣. We first document a large racial turnover and promotion gap. Controlling for other factors, Black employees are 32% more likely to turn over within two years and 26% less likely to be promoted on time than White employees. 2/
🚨NEW WORKING PAPER🚨: Studying 9,000 new hires in a professional services firm, @elizabethlinos.bsky.social, Sanaz Mobasseri, and Nina Roussille find Black women's retention and promotion rates decline as their initial share of White coworkers increases. #econtwitter 1/
Not every day that you get to meet a civil rights champion, a civic leader, & a wonderful person of this magnitude all wrapped in the same package. Mayor Shirley Jackson: Legend! Pic includes legends in their own right, @elizabethlinos.bsky.social, & Volcker Alliance president, Sara Mogulescu!
As part of the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative's Talent Management course, we are thrilled to spend this week working with city leaders from across the world on some of the most pressing public sector workforce challenges.
Told 9yo the Nobel went to a scholar who studies why women get paid less than men. "Oh! Well we know that's true. Which is of course even worse because women usually do more work at home too. But I think men brag more about their work so maybe that's part of it."
Hooray!!!! What a great decision!! Empirical revolution is right :)
Yay! Incredibly deserved. Important to note that Claudia's work extended far beyond women in the labor market. Also pioneered the empirical revolution in labor economics more generally, and did important work on inequality — her Great Compression paper had a profound influence
I am really, really happy to share that our (w. Martin Bækgaard) administrative burden lit. review is out in JPART. It's #openaccess, so it is free for anyone to read. For those looking for a brief version, I will share a few key insights below academic.oup.com/jpart/advanc...
100pct true for research too! Ideas are so easy to have.
Bro excitement over “AI” art strikes me as another example of the notion that an “idea” is worth more than execution, as in “I’ll give you my idea, you write it, and we’ll split the proceeds 50/50.” Ideas are cheap. The execution of ideas is the part that takes skill, & skill that makes great art.
Talking about rampant academic fraud over dinner. 5 y.o. says "yeah we have this problem at school too. Matt said he washed his hands after going to the toilet but actually he didn't."
Only fitting that my first post here is with my new best friend @elizabethlinos.bsky.social during a selfie break from talking about social impact, sock swag, policy implementation, raising children, public service motivation, and so much more. ❤️
Six questions with Ted Miguel: I interview @tedmiguel.bsky.social about his views on whether first-year undergrads are useful, on having his worm work overcritiqued, on whether to do a long-term follow up, why more people work in Kenya than DRC, and more. blogs.worldbank.org/impactevalua...
We moved!
We've made the leap! The People Lab is a research lab based at the Harvard Kennedy School and led by @elizabethlinos.bsky.social. We're committed to building evidence on the people in government and the communities they are called to serve.
Looking to make a list of the public policy/social welfare schools that have an opening for a quant scholar this year. Unlike JOE, it's not super clear where all the jobs are listed so feel free to share if you're hiring. I have colleagues on the AP job market in the applied social policy space!
My desktop background
I used to have this one up in my cubicle in the grad office ;)
*New paper alert* #econsky #pasky! Jessica Lasky-Fink and I have a new paper out in JPART on stigma in the social safety net. Across 2 field experiments and 2 additional online experiments, we show that reducing stigma can increase uptake of rental assistance. Online version available here:
Improving delivery of the social safety net: The role of stigmaacademic.oup.com Abstract. Many low-income households in the US miss out on social safety net benefits because of the information, compliance, and psychological costs associated
I wrote a book with Tal Gross! "Better Health Economics: An Introduction for Everyone" If you want to hear me discuss some of the material from the book, come to the ASSA continuing education session Jan 7-9 (I’ll be including some of the material from my book in my Health Economics lectures)
Coming back from Penn Nudge Unit event and excited that there were so many people interested in a) nudging inwards within their organizations and b) adoption at scale. The field is moving!
Hi friends! Seems like it's time to move over here? I see the #econsky #econtwitter folk. Any #pascholars or behavioral science people here too?