tranz kafka

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tranz kafka

angry transsexual Jewish dyke canonically married to the Jersey Devil | has saved $11.3k+ by using my local library | they/she/Mx.
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shout out my biggest hater: gender dysphoria
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ah oui, ils sont back in town, n’est pas?
post-bottom surgery tattoo that says "est. (surgery year)"
mons tatt that says "open for business"
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Seeing a hyphen where the more elegant & elongeated em dash would serve better offends my sensibilities & my spirit.
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tgirls love to be like “i’m sorry i apologize so much”
A few years ago, i woke up from a nap, not knowing when i was, with the type of profound epiphany you only get when a majority of your brain is still asleep; it was two words: “blueberry sausage.” If maple sausage exists, why not blueberry? So reading this was validation years in the making 🫐
I found a butcher that has maple blueberry sausage patty that is life changing in an egg sandwich
Polycule with S.M.A.R.T. goals
cool to find someone else make the exact same series of posts as i would’ve lol
what did she mean by this
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i love audre lorde’s self-definition that being lesbian means “i am a woman whose primary focus of loving, physical as well as emotional, is directed to women.”
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today and every day 🫡🫡🫡
journalistic integrity is finding out the type of cheese. it’s just like the rule that you always get the dog’s name, because if course people are gonna want to know
[Laurie Anderson voice]: It was American cheese. Made in America. When love is gone, there's always justice. And when justice is gone, there's always force.
gender is a performance and i keep getting DMCA takedown notices
trans women > everyone
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me staring at myself in the little window for the entire zoom meeting
girls will be like “i know a place” and take you here
girls will be like “i know a place” and take you here
the supreme court rules 9-0 that the cdc is a trustworthy institution and works in the best interests of the american people
the supreme court rules 9-0 that you should just trust him to pull out.
the cdc says simply decide to stop being depressed
the cdc says to jump off this bridge with them
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did ask + do care + love you lots + please never forget that
Six years ago today, i made the decision that it was better see if HRT made me happy and maybe die when I’m 60 than not start HRT and definitely die before I turned 25.
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Every trans girl first year hrt: "My pronouns are SHE/HER I am a WOMAN" Every trans girl third year hrt: "my pronouns are sand/sand I am sand"
"this is a test of the emergency broadcasting system."
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you construct intricate rituals which allow you to lick da ice cream :)
these weirdos want to dictate how you eat ice cream
my display name (tranz kafka) is reference to the fact that you cannot write “The Metamorphosis” and also be cisgender (I also did this bit so hard my friends call Franz Kafka “she” now lmao)
i queer fictional characters in my head cannon *a lot*. some examples: Loki? yah, they’re trans Hunter S Thompson? she always loved drugs, HRT is just the next step. She-Hulk / Encanto mashup? buff trans doll. Batman? You’re never gonna believe this…
I’m AMAB (Assigned Malfeasance at Birth)
nothing more devastating than “wow i just followed this person and now they’re in my feed a bunch — hey wait why does it say ‘Posts’ at the top oH NO”