
Ken White, criminal defense attorney and First Amendment litigator. Co-host of Serious Trouble podcast and writer at The Popehat Report.
Sarah J. Jackson
Sarah J. Jackson
Professor studying the role of Media & Tech in Movements for Justice | Co-director Media, Inequality & Change Center | Currently Writing a Cultural History of African American Mediamakers

Opinions definitely my own.
Darren Dunlap
Darren Dunlap
Microoooobes iiiiin spaaaaaaaaaace! Complete microbe, space, and hiking nerd working in aerospace microbiology.
Hannah Miller
Hannah Miller
wildlife/conservation biologist • birds & habitat management • tea-fueled birder • she/her
Mike White
Mike White
Associate Professor of Genetics at Washington University in St. Louis. I write about genomics at
Sophien Kamoun
Sophien Kamoun
Biologist @ The Sainsbury Lab; passionate about plant pathogens & evolution; open science advocate; loves travel, food and sports; nomad and hunter-gatherer. Web | Medium | GetGenome
Julie Maresca
Julie Maresca
Microbiologist, micro-adventurer, micro-doodler. Too many projects, not enough time.
Simon Roux
Simon Roux
Virus-obsessed bioinformatician, DOE JGI Scientist, Enjoy exploring the viral world with #metagenomics and other cool #omics toys. He/him. Opinions my own.
Brian O'Meara
Brian O'Meara
I study diversification, species delimitation, trait evolution & other macroevolutionary questions, often using new methods. Also random coding projects in my own time. College professor living in Oak Ridge, TN, USA. He/Him
Cadhla Firth
Cadhla Firth
Molecular and evolutionary biologist studying zoonotic disease emergence.
Seth Cotlar
Seth Cotlar
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right.
James McInerney
James McInerney
Bioinformatics, Evolutionary Biology. Leverhulme Research Fellow, Chair in Evolutionary Biology. 🇮🇪
Jessica Ghilani
Jessica Ghilani
Comm + media studies professor focused on history, (mis/dis)information, and culture. From Pittsburgh.
Laura Casey
Laura Casey
@wsjmag / @wsj / @IAPE1096 board

Journalist focusing on disability, the Kardashian industrial complex, and organizing other journalists

Brooklyn, NY
Chris Raker
Chris Raker
Applied Epidemiology & Biostatistics. 
New England USA.
lisa bodnar
lisa bodnar
shiny epi people podcast host | epidemiologist studying nutrition and perinatal health | mom of 3 | drinker of wine (see previous) | she/her
Rod Rahimi
Rod Rahimi
Physician-Scientist at Massachusetts General Hospital. Pulmonary medicine and Immunology. Our lab studies CD4+ T cell responses to environmental antigens. Experimental biology enthusiast.
The Peculiarity Shop
The Peculiarity Shop
Eight LGBTQIA+ crafters (and friends) making cool stuff.

98% of our pieces are resizable because accessibility is cool.

Free US shipping over $40, flat $4 otherwise. Intnl. shipping available at USPS rates.
Twitter (of sorts) for TAG's Basic Science, Vaccines & Cure Project, by Richard Jefferys. 🏳️‍⚧️
Keith Jolley
Keith Jolley
Bioinformatician in the Department of Biology, University of Oxford.
Working on microbial genomics | Developer of PubMLST and BIGSdb |
Dr Dr Dr Alfred Prunesquallor, PhD, JD, TLA (Time Lord Academy)
Dr Dr Dr Alfred Prunesquallor, PhD, JD, TLA (Time Lord Academy)
Had C-PTSD before it was cool.
From the river to the fucking sea
Genocidaires and Biden defenders blocked on sight. You are not the adults here.

"You, the moderate man, may be used for wrong, but are useless for right.”
Michael Brockhurst
Michael Brockhurst
Microbial evolution / University of Manchester
J.F Brinkworth
evolutionary immunologist 🧫| neutrophil obsessive 🩸 | anthropologist | sepsis | plague | COVID | any coffee will do | marathons | dogs | hates single-use lab plastics | rearer of small and delightful things
Reader of Entrails
Reader of Entrails
Zoo pathologist 🧪💀🧑🏻‍⚕️ She/her 🏳️‍🌈
Unsettling animal facts & inadvisable humor.
Posts are my own and do not represent current, past, or future employers.
My day job:
Micah Dean Hicks
Micah Dean Hicks
Author. NEA Fellow. Break the Bodies, Haunt the Bones. All about SciFi, fantasy, and horror. Lover of stories, games, and story games.
Steve King
Steve King
Politics Editor, Under The Radar Magazine

"Least factual, most accurate"

#ExPostie #ExPost
Blue Heron Farm
Blue Heron Farm
Antifa goat dairy and beer garden in Field Store (Houston) Texas. We make cheese and trouble.

Buy stuff:
Jacob Ware
Jacob Ware
Research fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations studying terrorism and extremism. Opinions are my own and RT ≠ endorsement.
Ordinary Notes
Ordinary Notes
Christina Sharpe. Writer/Professor/CRC. Ordinary Notes (2023). In the Wake: On Blackness & Being (2016). Monstrous Intimacies (2010). What Could a Vessel Be? (2025). Black. Still. Life. (2027) Agent: Jackie Ko/Wylie
International Medical Corps
International Medical Corps
Relieving suffering and empowering communities affected by conflict, disaster and disease. Join us ⬇️
Delthia Ricks
Delthia Ricks
Science writer, author, essayist & avid gardener.
ryan cooper
ryan cooper
Managing editor at The American Prospect, cohost and producer of the Left Anchor podcast

Matthew J Shepherd
Matthew J Shepherd
Postdoc at the University of Manchester, with Prof. Mike Brockhurst. Understanding and predicting the evolution of antimicrobial resistance in clinical Pseudomonas 🔬🦠
Brendan M. Allen
Brendan M. Allen
Senior Editor at Co-Host of Happy Hour: Comics and Cocktails. Talks about comics and cystic fibrosis and monsters a lot. Also climbs mountains in a kilt and makes loud noises with various instruments. The “M” stands for “aMish.” He/Him
Erin Gerecke
Erin Gerecke
Science communicator, editor, biologist, educator, and musician, sometimes in a different order #SciComm
Joe Rybicki
Joe Rybicki
Writer, videogame consultant, virtual tourist. Former Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine. Other credits:
Peter Yoachim
Peter Yoachim
Jackass with an action bias. Also an astronomer.
David Usharauli
David Usharauli
I am a scientist specializing in immunology, and I am currently working towards launching a biotech startup from scratch, weather permitting.
The Onion
The Onion
America’s Finest News Source
Brittney Cooper
Brittney Cooper
Erin Dwyer aka Ginger Is A Construct
Erin Dwyer aka Ginger Is A Construct
History professor @ OU. Author of Mastering Emotions (2021). I write about slavery, emotions, & poison, I skeet about politics, drag, parenting, & pop culture. 🏳️‍🌈 She / hers. Proud union member. Live in Detroit but my heart is still in New Orleans.
Trauma Surgeon. Basic Scientist. UVA/UMD/UPenn. Now WashU/STL. Blocking is curating.
Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic
You know... the weird one.
Michael Tae Sweeney
Michael Tae Sweeney
I cut film and tv

@mtsw on Twitter and
PZ Myers
Biologist at the University of Minnesota Morris.
Nick Tsergas
Nick Tsergas
Health news editor @

Kevin Bonham
Kevin Bonham
I'm a scientist studying microbes, brains, and the immune system 🚽🦠🧠.

I'm also into fermentation, gardening, and politics. Ask me about #julialang!

🦣: @[email protected]
Nina J. Gao
Nina J. Gao
microbiologist 🦠🧫 now in public health | she/her | Ph.D., D(ABMM) | biologist_nina on Twitter | Thoughts are my own