Tiffany Gallagher

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Tiffany Gallagher

I am a lover of medieval history, true crime, books, etc. I need people to connect with who won’t mix the three by beating me to death with a book for trying to talk about the wars of the roses..😬
Is it just me or is this the best commercial ever? I can watch it a billion times on Hulu and every time it comes on- I stop to watch it again. Most commercials are lame or annoying. Not this one. This is the kind of tech the world need more of.
This was a GREAT book! It was fun, interesting and it has SO much info; even the origins of common idioms. It was well researched,funny,and an enjoyable read. I definitely suggest you get a copy! So if I ever time travel to medieval England,I’m taking Toni Mount with me! #whatshistory🗃️ #medievalsky
Ever wanted to know about medieval England? Pretty much everything you could ever want to know is here in this guide by Konrad Nordland. Outstanding work. Very well researched and soooo much info! #whatshistory🗃️
Currently learning about Margery Kemp and the anchoress, Julian of Norwich in class with in the Can you imagine the faith and determination it would take to wall yourself up in a cell for the rest of your life??#claustrophobia 😳#whatshistory 🗃️
Loving this article about Jacquetta of Luxembourg by Lucia Diaz Pascual. Brilliant work that shows Jacquetta’s influence despite lack of contemporary source material. #whatshistory 🗃️
Playing around with Disney AI- these are great. Reality (we live during constant war) vs social media (my life is perfect)
“Cause Earl had to die”- mary Anne and Wanda😂
This just made my whole week😂😂😂😂
i like the word Egyptology because it suggests that one day there will be Americology to try to figure out what the fuck was happening here
Adhd Truths.😂
me in a conversation: *trying my absolute hardest not interrupt them every 3 seconds & trying not to forget my point all at the same time*
still one of the funniest things on the internet
Came across this elsewhere and thought it was too interesting not to share. An “annotated view” of London before the great fire of London (c. 1630) Medieval sky 🗃️#what’s history skystorians
Warning: a very, VERY addictive website detailing medieval homicides in London, Oxford and York - maps, stories, stats and all. Such a beautifully executed (pun intended) project. 💀🗡️🎓
Get to know your moots. List 10 things you’re into: Medieval history Illuminated manuscripts The wars of the roses and Tudors True crime Mysteries Books Logic puzzles Traveling Hiking and kayaking Funny cats (and some dogs)
oi, get to know your moots. list 10 things you’re into: RiotMom Parenting Mutual Aid Music(Live Shows are my therapy) Community(not the tv show) Cooking(it’s my love language) Playing guitar Adventure Time(homies help homies. always) Crossword Puzzles Woodworking
every time I see this video I realize how genius one kid was when he recognized that a deputy wouldn’t say “bro.” Such a small detail and such an observant kid. That alone probably saved multiple lives as the shooter was just outside the door pretending to be a cop.
So, I just need to post this 🗂️ 🗃️ to let historians know this is a post about history by a historian? Um, better say something historical then. My name is Nathen, and I believe Henry VII was the unlikeliest king England ever had, but also one of the most successful. Richard III bumped off his nephews
End of feed.