
i like the word Egyptology because it suggests that one day there will be Americology to try to figure out what the fuck was happening here
'Americanistics' (Amerikanistiek) is an enduring and popular field of study in the Netherlands.
At my German uni I could choose between specialising in Anglistik and Amerikanistik.
seethe pictogram of the purple object? that is a fruit that came from a member of the deadly nightshade family. though the fruit itself isn't poisonous, we believe they sent images of it in an attempt to ward off foes, who would respond often with a pigrogram of 3 tear droplets, showing terror
"we believe they were a society built entirely from single use plastics, and the society collapsed as the males invested all their resources in increasingly large trucks used as dominence displays when competing for females"
Just a bunch of professors and grad students standing around, shrugging their shoulders until one finally mumbles “the fuck if I know.”
the coolest part is knowing our civilization's equivalent of the Great Pyramids of Khufu will be our freeway overpasses
Future archaeology proferssor: lAnd they worshipped the sphere, a sacred monument to the god of all sports of ball, in the ancient holy city of Las Vegas”
Sounds like "Motel of the Mysteries" by David Macaulay (yes, the guy who did those books about Roman cities and Egyptian pyramids) would be right up your alley.
One Good Thing: The 1970s children’s book that envisions an America overrun by I can’t stop thinking about this silly book about overconsumption and lost history.
“We’re unsure how the Americans would have pronounced these words so we’re going to fill in all the blanks with ‘e’”
and they're all pronounced with schwas
peresedenet teremep dynasty was succeeded by the peresedenet beden dynasty, although the contemporary record is unclear if this was a legitimate succession or not.
I wonder if it will be anything like Motel of the Mysteries?
Came here to recommend this book if Drew hasn't already read it.
I like it because I can imply that there is also Egyptonomy, the far more serious study that we can't map our personalities to.
They're going to cut up the hoover dam to put it in a museum
American Studies exists already and lots of people want to understand what's going on there now!
Also, given enough time, I think it's very possible that the 250-odd years of the US, and the 100 or so years of the 'Pax Americana', will just be forgotten, or a sort of interesting side note. It just fits too easily into being an extension of European colonialism, with 1000 year glasses on.
I think, given enough time, it'll either be remembered as more or less the beginning of history or like Atlantis Sodom or something. Magic carriages with round feet issuing noxious fumes, terrible flying machines watching over, all ruled by bull worshipping men in black suits, know what I mean?
Bull worshipping never goes out of style
And it is, the beginning of history! All of history is the beginning of something.
We just call it American Studies
"Americology" makes me vaguely feel like our future history will be intertwined with mushrooms, and I hope to fuck that's true.
Eventually there will be an entire wing in an archeology department somewhere to work out how two identical caves appeared, hundreds of thousands of years apart, in Chauvet France.
There already's called American Studies though.
I can't wait for the time when the few Americans left are followed around by 12 anthropologists. Much like natives today.
And may they have better luck at it then we're having.
You gotta keep it up. 2.5 centuries will not amount to a full time gig.
I bet people will make their careers just off trying to explain 2016.
The key years were 1963 to 1968. A whole generation of American radicals & liberals were killed. JFK was the beginning. You COULD make a career off those stories.
No doubt, for a century or two. But for anyone to do so in 5,000 years, it would help for the U.S. to remain relevant for anothrer couple of millenia.
That I'm not sure we can do.
Remember those "dark" interstitia between great dynasties and golden ages? Some say they may have been good times when great men and mighty rulers where not in ordinary peoples' business. Maybe you're due.
Manipulate future historians by writing your world view on pieces of plastic & then burying them.
Political scientists focusing on American politics are already dryly referred to within the field as Americanists, which, y'know, does have a more patriotic ring to it, for whatever reason.
that'll likely be a pretty boring discipline the only things we have made that will endure as long as the pyramids are the landfills
They'll think we worshipped chickens under the golden arches
Gonna be such a difficult subject even the professor will be like shit i dont fucking know