
Good to know that my mobility aids are what make me unfit for any position of power or influence. For, as we all know, once you're a cripple, you're basically brain dead, too. Critique Biden for a host of things he's done, not for the spectre of perhaps needing a damn rollator.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
FDR was in a fucking wheelchair, The Exhibitionist can go fuck itself.
Thanks, autocorrect. I'm not fixing it because my sleep-deprived brain finds it funny.
I've been using a cane since my early twenties, and before that a walking stick for some of my teens.
Part time wheelchair since mid twenties
Same here. I need the chair far less since starting testosterone, but there are days I can't really get around at all. The only way that impacts my cognition is that pain makes it hard to think, not impossible to ever attempt it!
*gestures vaguely at Steven Hawking*
That's the crazy thing about disability. If it's an invisible (or mostly invisible) disability, people think you're lying or dumb. If it's a visible disability where you require a device (for mobility, communication, etc), you're suddenly unfit to do anything but sit, rot and make yourself scarce.
In 2016 the press had Hillary Clinton on deaths door in 2016. America has corporate media. Democracy and journalism are on life support. We had all better get out and vote this time so there is a voting next time.
Like this man was arguably our greatest president.
There are lots of things to rightly critique FDR for. But they have 0 to do with his mental acuity or his mobility. (Also, he had the best First Dogs.)