
The thing I can't stop thinking about is this: I'm 48, and in my adult lifetime there has been one Republican who won the popular vote. But I will probably spend the rest of my life under the authority of a Supreme Court dominated by hard right conservatives. How is that democracy?
A biden win this election probably results in a 5-4 liberal court
Umm…no. That would also require the Democrats to control the Senate, and no conservative judges, let alone 2, will just not retire while Democrats control both the White House and the Senate.
Thomas and Alito are both getting quite up there in age
So? Unless they both die during the next 2 years, it’s not gonna happen
John Roberts and Clarence Thomas have been hospitalized in the past couple years. Epilepsy lowers life expectancy by 12 years.
Again, these people are going to hold onto those seats until they physically can’t (dead) or there’s a GOP President/Senate. Banking on “well they are pretty old” is more of a Hail Mary than a sure thing. I could see it maybe being 5-4 conservative but not both Alito and Thomas leaving.
So we have to keep winning. So?
If you need me to prove democrats did good things every year they have majority in both house and senate, I can. I’d argue, historically, holding congress is more important.
That’s not a sustainable solution for a democracy
lol. And you expect me to believe you “Ding Dong”?
Thomas is 76, Alito 74. The actuary table says the chance of both of them making it another 4 years is higher than the chance of both of them dying
They might die or they might not 🤷‍♂️ Oliver Wendell Holmes stayed until he was 90 Jack B. Weinstein kept a full docket on E.D.N.Y. until he died in 2021 at 99 When Obama took the bench in 2009 there was still one Eisenhower appointee left with a full docket
If Thomas and Alito both stay on for as long as Ruth Bader Ginsburg lived, Thomas would live until 2035 and Alito would live until 2038
I went through this a few weeks ago. (since Kennedy here is since JFK, not Anthony Kennedy)
FYI of the 15 justices appointed since Kennedy, not including the current court, only one (Fortas) died before the age of 80; Scalia, at 80, was the second-youngest to die, followed by Rehnquist (81) and Goldberg (82). The remaining 11/15 lived to the age of 85, and at least four made it to 90
With modern medicine what it is, the likelihood that two men in their 70s drop dead without some type of protracted battle with a terminal illness are almost 0. Much more likely one of them survives into their 90s to witness with glee what havoc their SCOTUS tenure has reaped on the US.
And strategically timed retirements have taken over the appellate bench. SCOTUS is that much more significant, and Alito & Thomas are die-hard idealogues who understand the power they wield They could be replaced with Dem appointees but it'd requite a stroke of good fortune
Under Biden's presidency, of 41 appointees to the US Circuit Courts of Appeals (5 await confirmation), only 4 are GOP to Dem flips, of which 2 are due to deaths and 2 due to retirements (there are 179 seats total) Biden also elevated a Trump appointee following retirement of a G.W. Bush appointee
Roberts suffers from seizures. He had to be hospitalized in 2020 because of one of them causing a fall.
Also they just ruled that Joe Biden is allowed to walk up to them with a big hammer and smash all their bones
No, that would arguably be an unofficial act. He'd have to order Seal Team 6 to rendition them to an undisclosed location for enhanced interrogation to be immune from prosecution.
Oh I see, thank you for the clarification!
Both Thomas and Alito have mothers who made it into their 90s. I'd say the odds of them getting to be 80 are good. I don't know. I can sort of see one of them resigning, but the second one will hang on for dear life to maintain the court (im)balance.