
"Heritage, not hate? Por que no los dos?"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
When did Heritage go insane? They used to be fairly normal, no?
When they started losing.
I thought it was around the 4th time the promised rapture didn't happen & they started to question if any of these wars they were cheering on would finally bring around the end time & they would get their reward from jeebus for mistreating everyone else. They went bigger, they elected the antichrist
So for them, the purpose of winning is to make like miserably for the people they don’t like. Schadenfreude as an organizing principal tends to have a very short life.
Trump Derangement Syndrome, Simplex Right.
When Obama was elected was my first instinct, but Heritage was part of the anti-Clinton dogpile during Clinton's presidency and regularly fed to Limbauch for popularization. The insane part(s) weren't far below the surface pre-now.
I remember them posting some pretty silly stuff a decade ago but that was mostly in the shitty blog post region.
“…if the Left allows it to be” is an interesting take considering…well, pretty much everything.
I found a replacement picture to go into my personal encyclopedia... And here I thought I would never find another face so perfect to illustrate bored handjob.
We know it's a threat, but is it a true threat.