K. Long

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K. Long


Beer, dogs, law, education, and Black Sabbath. Be excellent to each other, but always call a dick a dick.
Aggrieved voters should not attempt to shoot at candidates like Trump. Just don’t vote for him.
Biden reached out to the family of the slain Trump supporter. Trump did not.
When Biden wins again in November, maybe it will be time to actually weaponize the law against the enemies of democracy
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There’s a person with an Onlyfans named Conspiratitty who shows people her huge boobs and talks about conspiracy theories for tips. She’s probably gonna be eligible for hazard pay by Friday.
So, essentially SCOTUS ruled that the MAGA conspiracy about Biden leading these criminal pursuits of Trump to engage in election interference is perfectly Kosher and non-prosecutable because official acts enjoy the cloak of immunity.
Well, they killed Chevron. Time to repeal every piece of legislation that grants rulemaking authority to the courts.
I don’t know if anyone will see this, but I have a rather odd situation/question: My wife, in her rebellious youth, filled out a form at the SSA to get a new SS card with a name different from her legal birth name (very close). Fast forward a few decades. Now she wants a card with her birth name.
He can still be acquitted if Mike Pence has the courage.
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RFK is the only candidate who believes in lobal worming
If the foundational witnesses are this devastating to Trump, I don’t see how he survives key witness testimony.
Congratulations to all graduates who managed to avoid facial recognition!!
This is astonishing. The state should be ashamed that they even brought this before a jury. I’d argue that everyone involved should be busted down to handling traffic cases, but even that’s too complicated for these bozos. Perhaps emptying the garbage, assuming that’s not too challenging.
Intersection between a divided highway and a regular road, two-way stop. An 18-wheeler turned left from the road onto the highway, and an oncoming car drove directly into the trailer portion during the turn. The car driver died, and the state charged the truck driver with vehicular homicide.
Got an email from the Department of Education this morning. Loans are forgiven!! Thank you President Biden!
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Fellas, does wiping your ass make you trans?
Oh no! Angry truckers are back with more impotent threats 🙄
Comer, Johnson, and all these lying MAGAs don’t fear any consequences at the ballot box because they live in safe districts. So maybe we should consider other, less civil ways to make them afraid.
I have only cursed three times on here since I joined. That’s an achievement.
The US embassy in London has weighed in on the controversy created by a US scientist's suggestion that tea needs a pinch of salt.
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The governor of Texas more or less openly defying the Constitution and federal authority would be a good situation for the federal law enforcement and domestic security forces to NOT be controlled by federalist society members who will disobey lawful orders from a Democratic President.
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I feel like, at his core, he thinks the Supremacy Clause is about an entirely different type of supremacy.
The supremacy clause would like to have a word with Abbott.
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The reason that the “beheading Baphomet” story is not particularly amusing is because the message is “the religious privileges and liberties the Right is winning from compliant courts will not be enforced in an equal and non-discriminatory way, because fuck you, we have the power.”