
A thing I'm genuinely surprised by on here is this idea that it's totally suicidal to replace...the extremely unpopular 81 year old trailing in nearly every poll and who now will be dogged by "sir, does your brain work" questions for the next four months
Like, if it was just the (terrible) debate, that'd be one thing, but Biden has been trailing in this election the entire way! What's gonna change it at this point, Juan Merchan sentencing Trump to jail? Biden still has to deal with people asking him about his brain working!
They are both old as balls and they both suck shit and they should both quit I hate this stupid election and all of our elections, this is my platform, I don’t wanna be president either even though I am right
I do think its suicidal to nominate anyone besides Harris (oppo research, fundraising, campaign apparatus etc.) but I also think if it is going to be Harris the thing to do would be for Biden to resign the presidency and let Harris run as the incumbent
Yes, that is also how I think it should work
fwiw there is a precedent of people not caring about dementia. Reagan won 49/50 states in 1984.
Because what they *realky* think is that nominating Harris will be suicidal. Might be more instructive to ask why they think that.
“It’ll show weakness!” yeah that ship has sailed