AK Lingus

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AK Lingus


It’s me, AK Lingus
I’m so glad I was able to jump on the Ebbets Field Flannels MLB cap collection, if only so I could have four of the all time GOAT baseball caps
All right, I’m tired of shouting about (waves arms around generally), instead I’m going to shout about how Margaret Ashworth recorded much of what became the Beatles Live at the BBC but the BBC won’t let her release the full shows she recorded am-records.com/2022/05/15/h...
How I made a Beatles album (with a little help from my friends) – A & M Recordsam-records.com
As long as the Democrats have no plans to pack or dismantle the Court, I simply do not think this is true and they will continue doing their bullshit with immunity. If the Dems got serious, then yes, they would wet their robes for sure bsky.app/profile/goli...
the thing is, it's cold comfort, but i think the majority on this court is deathly afraid of what almost every republican legislator (and a growing number of republican governors) are deathly afraid of, which is that they are outnumbered, perhaps fatally
Days like this I'm glad I don't drink or do drugs, because I overdo just about everything I get into and there's a decent chance I'd have to go to the hospital before nightfall
While I agree in general that we shouldn't give in to despair because there are avenues to fight back against the GOP's creeping fascism, I feel like the main reason many of my friends are feeling despair is because they already know the Dems aren't going to take those avenues
Two things can be true: Joe Biden should not be running for President, and the Supreme Court should be dismantled or at the very least packed to the gills before the November election. Harris saying she'd pack the court if she were President right now could very well accomplish both things
I used to think the Night King and White Walkers of ASOIAF were the perfect metaphor for climate change, but now I think they're the perfect metaphor for the Supreme Court, and there's no Arya Stark out there to anticlimactically save us. Sorry for the 2015-ass post
A thing I'm genuinely surprised by on here is this idea that it's totally suicidal to replace...the extremely unpopular 81 year old trailing in nearly every poll and who now will be dogged by "sir, does your brain work" questions for the next four months
A thing I find very hard for people to get past is not conflating “both parties are beholden to the same interests” with “both parties are the same”
Reagan was over 50% in popularity at that point, wonder what Joe’s gonna hit next week bsky.app/profile/theo...
1 - Yeah, I'm freaking out. 2 - I'm old enough to remember the freakout after Reagan's halting, bumbling performance in his first debate as an incumbent. IIRC, he did OK in that election.
bsky.app/profile/shar... again: you retain all the good parts of Trump being a maniac and lose the bad parts of [waves hands around] if Biden drops out
this election cycle is profoundly fucking weird and I don't think we're ready for it
I’m seeing folks talking about how they can use the most deranged shit Trump said in their ads, and they can absolutely do this and do it effectively, and they can also do it with someone running for President that isn’t Biden
What’s great about this is that the moderators are doing a terrible job and Joe looks like he’s out of it, just one of those things would be disastrous but both is pretty much apocalyptic
Just throwing it out there: I think Trump's going to beef it super hard in the debate tonight and there won't be any more after that
Just got followed by 20 new accounts out of nowhere, wonder what that's all about
I'm listening to U2's Pop, a legendary semi-disaster that forced U2 to change course forever, and it honestly just sounds more like the natural extension of Achtung Baby with a little extra sheen with the benefit of hindsight
My "fuck it, Dude, let's go bowling" is "fuck it, Dude, let's watch Ricky Jay And His 52 Assistants" www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtgU...
Ricky Jay 52 assistants mediumwww.youtube.com
10 TV shows I like: The Simpsons (golden era) Community Veep The State The Wire Late Night w/Conan Saturday Night Live (mostly 1985 through 2002 or so) Fargo The Larry Sanders Show Arrested Development (even the Netflix seasons, more or less)
I will say that, while I do enjoy posting here, the term "Bluesky elder" makes me roll my eyes
This NBA Draft is going to be a real struggle between two realities: 1) NBA GMs are conservative bordering on cowardly in taking big swings, and 2) something like 80%-90% of the prospects in this draft are risky propositions at best
Listening to Laughing Stock during the game and thinking about how much money I would pay to get to hear the session tapes, Mark Hollis spending hours with a gaggle of musicians improvising music and then whittling it down into one of the great artworks of the 20th century
scully: this guy was rejected five hundred times in three weeks milder: *throws her a file* ever heard of the diner waitress botherer
The Tories betting scandal is maybe the dumbest, funniest scandal that rainy ass island has barfed up yet, a few morons trying to win a couple hundred pounds by using insider information on an election they’re going to get massacred in
People on X go on about how this site is full of wretched Tumblr scolds or whatever and I see that and think “I just come on here to hang out with my pals”
Heaving a massive sigh as I see Bob Dylan once again playing setlists full of weird covers and oddball original choices and realizing I’m going to have to carve out time to listen to his bootlegs again
Reposted byAvatar AK Lingus
ritchie torres, a democratic congressman, is now targeting specific members of the media on behalf of israel.
If I had to make a list of my twenty, maybe ten favorite performances in any movie, these would be two of them, and they were done by the same man. RIP