
must be nice
"At least 200 candidates from both the left-wing alliance and President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist coalition pulled out of the order to unite behind those remaining contenders with the best chance of beating Le Pen’s nationalists"
French election: Rivals unite against Le Pen’s far Hundreds of candidates from Macron’s camp and the left-wing alliance withdraw in an effort to keep the National Rally out.
That's what the other Democrats did for Biden in 2020. We all signed off on it, and we all stood together.
Yeah, and Trump lost. We can do it again. The doomerism for some on the left is crazy. Cornel is not going to win, Jill is not going to win, and Bernie is not running a last second campaign. Play with the hand you are dealt.
Leftists for the last 4 years: "Hey, Biden sucks, please run someone else, No one likes this guy and he's clearly losing his faculties." Dems: after ignoring these comments for years suddenly discover Biden is clearly losing his faculties. "Welp, you leftists better suck it up and stop bitching."
You're ignoring Biden's legislative accomplishments because they're boring and complicated
I'm not ignoring them. They're not relevant to the conversation. It's not like Biden is uniquely gifted. Any dem president would have likely accomplished similar things in his place. I would argue other candidates would have gotten more done.
Hard disagree Biden has decades of experience in Congress. He worked with Congress Dems to pass things through Republican obstruction He's terrible on Israel but he was able to quickly unite a bunch of countries on Ukraine He's a mixed bag like Obama and Clinton were
If you think that Biden as a president is uniquely capable of getting legislation passed and no other democrat could have done what he did, then I wish you well.
I think his knowledge of the workings of Congress are valuable, yes And sadly, he's likely had these successes because he's a white dude Republicans certainly oppose him and despise him but not on the visceral level they hated Obama
When I was a libertarian chud, I saw Alex Jones for about a year around 2009. His hatred for Obama was wild. He used the birther stuff early on and frequently called him Barry Soetoro. Thank goodness I put an end to watching his lunacy quick!