Al Ewing

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Al Ewing

I write comics. He/him
Reposted byAvatar Al Ewing
Yeah there it is. Fuck Wes Streeting, and fuck the people who gave him this power.
Wes Streeting is a disgrace to queer solidarity and to evidence-based policymaking. That he is Health Secretary will lead to more suicides among trans youth in the UK.
Me: okay, I HAVE to do the hoovering now and also put the clothes in the dryer and then finish these pages, time to knuckle down to - Also me: What do you mean there's a "true facts about Grant O'Brien 3"
Fuck you. Rishi. Eat yourself out to help out.
Well, Elvis Costello or possibly Emil Gargunza is on my screen so it's time for bed. I've got a letter to write to my MP in the morning, assuming I have the same MP. Oh wait, someone's here to tell me what a horrible time Rishi Sunak's had, I can stay up a little longer.
Final Pestonwatch: Robert Peston: The vote share is much lower than anyone predicted, and also I'm playing a combination of bishop and knight that Death has not yet detected and on my next move I'll shatter his flank. Death: I'll remember that. Robert Person: No!
Rees Mogg out? Don't show us Starmer at a podium, show us his weeping face! I don't want Toilet Tim, I want Tory Tears!
Pestonwatch: Robert Peston: Yes, this is truly a cup fit for the King of Kings... aaaaggghhh Ed Balls: This is the cup of a carpenter
Unsurprisingly, Rees-Mogg doesn't think the Tories were racist enough. Also I'm watching the origin of Blinky the ghost from Pac-Man, or I can only hope so
Great result for Labour there as they unseat four people at once
Given what Robert Peston looks like now, I'm tempted to stay up until 6am to watch him turn slowly into Keith Richards as caricatured by Dave Sim
oh good, Foodie Bollocks from Viz is on ITV to speak for Reform
I've landed on ITV and don't feel like moving - people I'm following, how's Jeremy Vine doing tonight? Is he dodging the blasts of the Qotile from Yar's Revenge, only they're swing percentages? Is he in Chuckie Egg?
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Reposted byAvatar Al Ewing
Still very sick but perhaps people sharing this will make me feel better? No I am not above such tactics
Why do I even watch breakfast telly, now I’ve got to drain half a pint of incandescent fury from my rage duct
Sad news. Gillis was responsible for a whole lot of my favourite comics and was a huge inspiration in many ways as a writer. His STRANGE TALES run remains peak Dr Strange, and MICRONAUTS was the ur-text for “take these toys and make poetry out of them”.
Ah this is sad news. Gillis was a really subtle, thoughtful writer during a time when Marvel was not exactly awash with those. He was doing DEFENDERS and MICRONAUTS: THE NEW VOYAGES when I started reading Marvels and I stuck with them until cancellation
VENOM #29 is out today, goo believers!
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If you want to find me at Thought Bubble, I’m at table I1 in the Bubble Boy Hall.
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Reposted byAvatar Al Ewing
Testing clear, CDC says quarantine’s up and I can travel, most of all I feel better - I’m still masked around humans as CDC dictates, but I’m feeling the euphoria of regained health.
Popped onto Bleeding Cool to see the current count of who's got Covid and... somebody thinks, based on nothing, that I took a plane home after the con. I'm still here. I've been sitting in this hotel room for nearly a week, waiting for the moment when CDC guidelines tell me I can travel.
Got the Covid. Been testing daily so it’s fresh-brewed starting Sunday - texted/emailed around, slept like the dead, woke up, remembered Bluesky exists. In terms of my mask regimen… I had one? Especially in the thick of the con crowd, subways, shops etc. But imperfect. Anyway, it’s doing the rounds.
At 3.15 in room 409 of NYCC, I’ll be on a panel talking about Avengers,and Assembling. A strong chance that juicy secrets of upcoming comics will be revealed!
Reposted byAvatar Al Ewing
Gratifying to go down the TL and see so much Ambush Bug - that was my Giffen entry point too. Justice League made every other comic in your bag feel corny. 5YL Legion, perhaps the most ambitious big 2 monthly ever. I forgot he did Annihilation too!
RIP Keith Giffen. One of those names where you’d see it on a cover and think, this is going to be interesting. Funny? Dark? Experimental? Infuriating? Yeah, probably most of those. But interesting.
Maybe a strange example to remember from a vast and brilliant body of work, but when I was a kid, this page in particular was one of the funniest gags I’d ever seen. Needless to say, the passing of Keith Giffen is a monster bummer that is making me tense to the max.
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Keith Giffen was one of the most brilliantly creative humans I’ve ever known.  A curmudgeon with a heart of gold.  A generous collaborator.  An old, dear friend.  And, as my wife observed, “He was like a character out of a Keith Giffen story.”  So true!  Safe travels, Keith.  You will be, missed.
Reposted byAvatar Al Ewing
The creator of the ‘Oh No’ webcomic needs help in raising funds so he can continue his legal battle against a shady as fuck board game company trying to claim ownership of all his artwork. Don’t know how these assholes sleep at night. Plz contribute to this if you can, & re-skeet #HelpSmallArtists
Legal fund for Alex Norris "oh no" comics, organized by Alex I am Alex Norris, creator of the webcomic Webcomic Name. I am here to ask for h… Alex Norris needs your support for Legal fund for Alex Norris "oh no" comics