Alan Taylor ℼ

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Alan Taylor ℼ

Still alive on unceded Central Algonquian land.
He/him/his, cis. INFJ, Leo, ᐰ🖖∮. West of Luna, east of Sol.
Someone fixed the PgUp / PgDn keys! <3
pinning a thread:
I've been learning to take photographs and this was a few weeks ago, probably my best so far. How's this morning going? Later I might write some new lyrics for Uptown Squirrel by Notbilly Joel
It took all day but I got Bluetooth data tethering working. Next: Android OS 12 -> 13 with no WiFi? How
I didn't think it could be real. He... wants us to know he's a monster? Link included in alt text
194 unused digraphs! inspired by the "words that don't appear in the bible" meme i listed ascii pairs that are not found in Proust or Shakespeare. you could use this for crypto (as long as you don't use it for cryptocurrency)
the bottleneck is twitter. not bounded by utf8 bytes, or unicode codepoints, or ascii bits... so i will call the longest tweets exactly 280 "twytes" long. even w unicode, much detail is lost. when 𝓑₂ = ∫ e⁻ᶻᵗ egf, we gotta get the limits of integration from the subscript
sps you use youtube playlists but don't want them to spam you w Jordan Peterson... "Turn Autoplay on or off: Go to the watch screen of any video. At the bottom/top of the video player, tap the Autoplay switch to set it to On or Off." more google lies. how do i do it? HEY, THEY FIXED ALT-TXT :-D
when howstuffworks .com edits an LLM article... worse. can a modern AI outwrite a human? no. but it did outwrite that one
i maybe found a fix for the first one! (alt text broke today, sorry)
it looks so different from the Federation fighters i usually see! love the diversity in those little details. did i get these accurate? Peregrine and Maquis? i never know how far to trust the wikis
something made me think of you today. it's a taylor series with a ring of complex zeroes being pushed away from the origin, i think
thank you i just turned mine on that should help a lot!
Avatar can you believe i haven't seen it yet? (waiting for Oppenheimer so i can see them on the same day as God intended)
End of feed.