Alan Taylor ℼ

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Alan Taylor ℼ

Still alive on unceded Central Algonquian land.
He/him/his, cis. INFJ, Leo, ᐰ🖖∮. West of Luna, east of Sol.
Someone fixed the PgUp / PgDn keys! <3
pinning a thread:
how to get to sesame street
I've seen the ocean only once. Biggest thing I ever saw close up. Like I was a Martian from The Expanse visiting Earth
Good morning from SoCal. ☀️✌🏻
Epistemic circularity and measurement validity "Answers to the questions 'What counts as a measurement of X?' and 'What is X?' often seem to presuppose one another..." #Methodology #Psychology
Time for some facts
make a band meatier VNVeal Nation
Make a band meatier The Meatles
Mooooooooooom can Timmy stay for dinner his mom said yes
Echo & the Burgermen
Eurythmeats big hit in the 80s: “Sweet Meats (Are Made of Meats)”
if you ever wake up in the middle of the night and can't sleep, I recommend petting a cat it won't necessarily help you sleep but they like it a lot and it'll make you feel better about being awake
And whites quickly realized that when they’re not bored at home, they don’t care about Black people at all.
Oh yeah, capitalism quickly realised that giving people time at home to think about things was Bad ™️ so we better all get back to work
Can confirm! The "n choose 2" numbers (triangular) are probably the right ones and do grow quadratically
the Disagreement Nexus
TIL (Haven't seen this in India, so was very confused about OPs context)
I wouldn't say so. Loads of people have no idea Viking iconography has been ripped off by the fash, they just like it
favorite album is CD-RW by the band “700 MB”
To expect Black America to care about the same things politically or move politically as the white mainstream is silly by now. Not only are our threats far more severe, but they're also completely ignored by the white mainstream. They've been ignoring us the whole time, & are loud & wrong now.
Last summer I read This Is How You Lose The Time War in a hammock while camping, and I've been chasing that high ever since. What books should I bring to the woods with me this month? Let's assume I already know about Bujold, Martine, Pratchett, Leckie, and Chambers.
Social media from a shark’s perspective: Instagram: Here are photos of seals I ate Facebook: My high school friends eat bigger seals than me and I’m jealous LinkedIn: My skills include eating seals. Twitter: Why do (((dolphins))) control the world?
The first episode of my new video series, Cosmology 101, is out now! This one is about cosmic expansion. Check it out and subscribe to the Perimeter Institute’s YouTube channel to get the whole series! #Cosmology101
Expansion of the Universe Explained | Cosmology 101 Episode In this episode of Cosmology 101, we dive into the concept of an expanding universe. From the first moments of the Big Bang, our cosmos has been stretching i...
Been waiting to deploy my mantis shrimps for #InverteFest! The first two are a cheeky and a a shy individual of Odontodactylus scyllarus, the most beautiful species. The last is a terrible picture of a larval stage somersaulting in blackwater 😍🦑
How the fuck is DeJoy still the Postmaster General Like, he was actively destroying the Postal Service four whole years ago, and this was in fact all over the news for months
Make a band vegetarian. Knights in Seitan's Service? Tofu Fighters was taken
Make a band vegetarian. Blue Öyster Müshroom Cult
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
Make a song meatier: Uptown Squirrel
Make a band meatier: Squirrel Jam
In Macron's very mild defence, a lot of leftists are surprised how quickly the left united
Lot of questions about why Macron called snap elections. One clear factor: By ordering speed campaign, he expected Left could not unite, & so they'd be knocked out in Round 1, helping his own party. Instead, Left united within days—& now surged to win biggest bloc in Assembly.
This is *chef's kiss*
Make a band meatier. Tofu fighters. (🤷 So I like veggies)
Make a band meatier Third Ribeye Blind
Make a band more fish: Porcupinefish Treefish
Make a band more fish: Pink Flounder
Elementary is a) the best Sherlock adaptation, and b) such an absolute delight to watch, 10000/10 do watch highly rec (ALSO has Lucy Liu dressed like this and come on COME ON)
ELEMENTARY has dropped on Hulu (was it there before and I hadn’t seen it?) and as I’m busted with COVID, I’m indulging. The pilot’s a masterclass, the show’s an A+ example of procedural writing, balancing the serialization and B plots.
We’ve returned to the olden days, when word-of-mouth was the only real way to advertise. As an author, if you enjoy a book, please: tell your friends. Your group chat, your sewing circle, your family WhatsApp, your work Slack, the voice channel of your MMORPG guild, anything.
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.
I once saw someone from Tumblr say, to paraphrase briefly, the Paradox of Tolerance resolves when we think of it as a social contract. The unspoken agreement is that we don't actively harm others. When anyone chooses to be intolerant, they've broken the contract, so it no longer applies to them.