
If you don't know why you should cancel your Adobe subscription, here are just 4 artists that found out their style is being sold on Adobe Stock scrapped by AI without their permission.
So if you need to keep working with art, design, videos and photography, know that you don't HAVE to keep using Adobe products. Changing tools sucks, I know. But it's the right thing to do.
And I'll just add: I migrated to Clip Studio Paint a couple of years ago and I just LOVE it for comics.
really sad that clip studio paint decided to change to a subscription based model though dont update it to version 2 if you havent already! otherwise it will get you to pay
Not really. The subscription is optional. I updated to v2, but did not to the subscription. No regrets. :)
oh thats good to know! i was told by other artists that it pushes you to subscribe! Glad to know i was wrong
To clarify it depends on which device you are putting it on. If I'm not mistaken mobile is subscription while PCs are not
On mobile devices it's a subscription, but the subscription model is only if you want previews of new features. I bought v3 for a one-time purchase (it was like 20 bucks) and it seems they will keep releasing the new versions as one time purchases. (1/)
Sadly not optional on mobile devices, as far as I can tell! (Happy to be corrected, though, as I’d much rather do a single purchase…)
Awful that Adobe is making an assault on intellectual property and interesting that the comments turn to “how can I avoid using Adobe without having to pay for intellectual property?”
That's literally not whats happening there's no piracy links or discussions here. Wanting a one time purchase of software instead of a subscription model is a valid consumer choice that CSP allows you to make for yourself. the original alternatives graphic was also created when adobe went to subs
I endorz CSP, got the full ware b4 they fucked up by going cap'lzt fortunately. Its gr8 software! Granted, EZ to appreciate most apps over Adobe ;3 ...get Procreate and Affinity with a single payment, as any model should be! Apple is a bad company, but iPad and Mac is A tier for creatives sha!
It's a bit mind expanding to go from Photoshop to Procreate for painting. It's... a much better experience for the core job.
Currently creating a 256-book entirely in Procreate with added post-production frills in Clip Studio Paint. Incredible shame about Adobe, but hit them in the wallet, where it hurts.
I tried Darktable to replace LR for photo editing but found the learning curve too steep; Capture One Pro felt quite natural
If anyone is looking for an alternative to photoshop, is an open source, free photo editor. I’ve used it for years and is a great choice for amateurs. It has many of the same features as adobe. GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program: The Free and Open Source Image Editor
And for those who don't like the UI of GIMP, I've found that Krita also does a great job, and feels like a smoother transition from Photoshop. There really are a lot of alternatives.
Krita suit me better than GIMP
Gimp is thankfully no longer the mind-bendingly awful piece of software it used to be, but depending on what you do in Photoshop, Krita or one of the Affinity Suite are still better choices.
Simultaneously completely and utterly scuffed, but also highly recommended. If you're willing to fight with it a bit and find plugins you can do wonders with it, but there's so much effort to bring it up to that level.
There's also GIMPhoto, a more user friendly very ooooold offshoot of the original that has a more 'Shop like UI.
I mostly use Affinity these days. My layout friend who's helping me with Shadowlight & Personae is using InDesign for this project but only because there were issues she was having with Affinity Publisher that she couldn't get resolved in a reasonable timeframe for the release date I'm targeting.
Oh, I was just looking for something to set up a GN pitch proposal in; a free alternative for InDesign or Affinity publisher. Thank you! Will see if anything here could be useful for that.
That's actually a really old post, I don't know why it's doing the rounds so hard rn? But glad it helped. ;)
Another painting app that isn't on this list is ArtRage Vitae, a very underappreciated app and what I use for my artwork. I would recommend it but only if you are on PC or MacOS before Sonoma right now. Sonoma broke ARV and the small dev team is still working on a patch, with no release date yet.
looks interesting, whats the difference between ArtRage 6 and Vitae?
ArtRage 6 was the previous version before Vitae (verson 7) released a few years ago. Here is a page listing the new features of Vitae, but some of the most notable are online painting collaboration, support for High DPI displays, Apple M1+ support, and general improvements overall.
New in ArtRage Vitae –
I want to suggest another Premiere alternative: Hitfilm Express. It's been my go-to for the last few years. :)
I got away from it last year when a couple of video clients wanted to share projects in Premiere Pro, but I should have known better than to trust anything from Adobe... Time to migrate back to Hitfilm, I guess.
Going from Premiere to Hitfilm is a bit of a learning curve, but it's worth it.
I used it for a bit before I found Resolve but I much prefer Resolve.
As soon as all my third party plugins work with other programms and the other programms are able to work with psd files and layers and are able to output psd I would switch. But until that happens, not everyone can so easily switch, especially when they work with other people on the same files.
Every time I edit an image, I sing this little ditty... ♫If it's image software you need It's got lots of features and it's free To edit JPEG, GIF or PNG Try the motherfuckin' G.I.M.P.♫ GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program: The Free and Open Source Image Editor
What people use for image classification and management like Digikam?
I don't classify or manage my images _nearly_ as much as I should, and I'd never heard of digiKam - thank you, I'll check it out!
I was using Lightroom, the standalone version, years ago. Then they started the subscription base model and I stopped like them, because I’m not a pro, just hobbyist, so nonsense. DigiKam does the job, but it’s a bit like an old thing of the 90s from the point of view of the UX/UI
Bluesky needs bookmarks....
Avatar has them and if you're on just everyday Bluesky you can use the Pushpin feed you just reply to something you want to save with 📌
That's great, thank you
so a PSA is how I learn that Blender is open source? That's honestly kinda neat
There's another alternative to PhotoShop: The Pinta project! It's aimed to be a cross platform alternative to Paint.NET, written in .NET 8 and using GTK4 bindings via GirCore
If anyone needs Paint Tool SAI 2 help, I've started a user guide over the last several years that has helped quite a few people in the past It still has a few key tools missing (no liquify, no fancy text settings, transformation is mediocre, etc) but its got amazing pen pressure/stabilization
Are there any of these programs that can open PSD files so I can convert them? I haven’t used adobe in years but I found a bunch of files that I want to revisit and I don’t want to pay them to open them.
I don’t know about the ones listed, but I’ve been using Graphic Converter on a Mac for years, which can handle a lot of formats even Photoshop gets stuck on. There’s surely a Windows equivalent out there?
It's been quite some time since I have seen Graphic Convertor recommended. Glad to see it. I feel as if I was the last one to suggest The Swiss Army knife of image formats For Macs For Windows, surely there are utility & graphics programs that are PS compatible. Newer ones should open old files
Also, I know people keep suggesting Clip Art Studio (which I have easier version of but haven't used/ installed) But, Corel (.com) has the Draw program & Suite with good compatibility with Adobe I used it when I worked at a printer. So, CMYK shouldn't be a concern They just aren't the cool kids