Cats, Sims & Books

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Cats, Sims & Books

On a good day, books, gaming & cats, on a bad day politics
To piggyback: I truly think a few too many of you are far too passive in your participation in media consumption. If you are sick of having crap firehosed onto your dash/feed/scroll, CHANGE WHAT MAKES IT TO YOUR DASH/FEED/SCROLL. Block, adblock, mute, actively seek out instead of waiting for recs.
reminder that this website does not have an algorithm so if everything on your homepage sucks or you think this website is “dead” it is quite literally a skill issue. follow more & better people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's London trans pride on 27 July. If you're horrified by Streeting's avowed intent to make the puberty blocker ban permanent, please step up and show it. There are a lot more of us cis folk than trans folk; we all need to use our voices and platforms. #PubertyBlockers
I mean the New Management was INTENTIONALLY a dystopian crapsack horror situation but by 2022 folks were reading it as happy consolatory fiction—a world less hopeless than our own. So obviously I need to send off for something worse than a version of the Tory Party specifically led by Nyarlathotep.
Murray "Muzski" Groat's covers for imagined Tintin / Lovecraft mashup. I would 100% read these.
More info about FIV:
FIV is a fragile virus that is not airborne - it is safe for FIV+ and FIV- cats to cuddle, groom, play, and share food/water dishes together. It can generally only be transmitted through deep bites and only if the virus is actively shedding, so the risk of transmission in stable homes is negligible.
Sheri S Tepper was born on this day, so here are some of her book covers (Artist: Julien Delval, Rafal , Michael Whelan and Kinuko Y Craft):
I think I need to do less doomscrolling and more reading horny romance
Saw someone’s take is “Bouie not being here won’t make or break” this site. I am happy to say some things about how platform migration works. It’s true, one user never makes or breaks anything, but for U.S. users the presence of young Black folks has driven the popularity of new tech for decades 1/?
I think this has finally helped me understand this particular set of arguers. my eyes have finally been opened. The sovereign citizen movement has added copyright to their areas of expertise. There is no other explanation
I think I just had an argument with someone who was arguing that paying for consumption of IP—ie buying books—was a form of taxation on society. Except that’s completely nuts. Like…other people are seeing this, right? These aren’t words that mean something else in this context, are they?
On that note: Trans authors (I mean authors who are trans, NOT cis people who write about trans people), drop your book links here and I'll try to repost as many as I can throughout the day. Cis people: Repost trans authors' book links. Cis people who want to complain about being excluded: gtfo
Being a trans author is fucking weird right now. Hell is actively unfolding all around us but I still need to be like, "hey, everyone, wanna buy my silly little queer book? It won't make anything better, but it's kinda fun?" So....hey, everyone, wanna buy my silly little queer book?
But if your hardline position is that not paying authors for their labor is a great way to end capitalism, you do not understand what capitalism is.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
Heeeey! Side Quested is up, and may the Goddess have mercy on Prince Leopold's soul. #webcomics
Oh no. - Side Quested
Leigh Richmond died on this day, so here's some of the artwork for the serialisation of her novel (co-written with Walt Richmond) "Where I Wasn't Going" aka "Challenge the Hellmaker" (Artist: John Schoenherr):
It’s like, NOW you’re firm of spine and resolute of voice on the fact that political violence is bad? Why do you turn into noodles when HE does it?
Lawyer team who met by arguing with idiots on Twitter out battle Elon's "hardcore" litigation team trying to screw over former Twitter employees
Just won a significant decision in the Twitter arbitrations, with the SDNY confirming that Twitter needs to pay for those arbitrations unless & until individual arbitrators say otherwise. Oh, & also that their arguments for why an arbitrator might/should say otherwise are nonsense. decision's here
There’s a whole subnormal subculture of people on here who are obsessed with running people off the site. The vast majority of the time they fail (as, one senses, they do at nearly everything in their lives). But they’re very happy when they succeed. /1
Blocking people does not need explanation.
See if these pieces of shit ever admit they just want to bully Black folks who have any kind of a platform.
Same stupid motherfuckers made Tressie nope out of here. Being an asshole to Black people online because you’re ineffective at helping people in the real world isn’t praxis, actually.
hey everyone you really should cancel your subscriptions to the following - The New York Times - The Washington Post - The Wall Street Journal - The Economist - The Atlantic think about how much money you would save tell them you don’t like how their editors demonize trans healthcare repost this
remember the time some of us sought clarification on a new Twitter Alternative's sexual content guidelines and were run off the site by nice white ladies with 🌊 in their names who screamed at us for being deviants who wanted to force them to look at porn? I find this not even a little surprising.
Hello, Lady friends. We need to have a talk.