
“The student left is the most reliably correct constituency in America. Over the past 60 years, it has passed every great moral test American foreign policy has forced upon the public, including the Vietnam war, the question of relations with apartheid South Africa, and the Iraq war.”
I wrote about the protests.
I think about this a lot. See also: the West Wing episode where Toby defends Thomas Friedman from protestors on a campus.
See also the protestors on Yellowstone who are implied to be empty headed shitheads.
Backing Hamas isn't going to age well.
hey did you know that being against genocide doesn't mean being pro-hamas? cool fun fact!
Yeah, Likud supporting Hamas for years, explicitly to prevent any moves towards peace, certainly hasn't aged well.
Good thing nobody is backing Hamas and all you are doing with this reply is straw manning opposition to genocide.
It's not genocide. It's chasing an enemy that committed a terror attack of unspeakable proportions that chooses to hide behind its own civilians.
"it's not a genocide, all the civilian death is just an unthinkable degree of incompetence" okay yeah that's way better they just can't shoot their targets without bombing every hospital and university they should definitely still be excused and supported
Hamas is set up under the civilian infrastructure. Perfidy.
1. Seems weird the only evidence we have or this is the dudes who keep intentionally targeting aid workers and journalists 2. Weird you don't look at "we can't shoot them without shooting way more civilians" and consider that maybe being okay with that is Deeply Fucked
When someone takes hostages, is your answer "Kill the hostages"?
They're openly calling for "A Nakba to overshadow the Nakba of 1948" If they're trying to root out terrorists, why are the instructing civilians to evacuate to a particular area *and then bombing the place they told the civilians to go to*? Israel has committed THIRTY 10/7s on Palestine since 10/7
Send Hamas the bill. They'll be hiding under the nearest daycare, using their own civilians as human shields.
And your plan is to murder the hostages, which makes you so much better than them.
remember back when how everyone who protested the Iraq war was accused of supporting Saddam? Were you one of the people doing that?
Oh, wow, you WERE. You are a deeply unserious person.
Like, holy fuck. Trying to argue. In 2024 That George W. Bush's war in Iraq was Good and if you thought it was Bad you were supporting his gassing the Kurds is *something*. Well, at least you are consistently ridiculous, I suppose.
No, getting rid of Saddam was absolutely the right thing to do. Sometimes, we do the right thing for wrong (or false) reasons. The world is a better place without Saddam.
Yeah, thank goodness there were no knock-on-effects and it didn't cause the USA to let Afghanistan fall apart to an uncontrollable state and-- hrmm. Well at least the Kurds are-- ah. Hrmm.
See, the thing is, if you do the 'right thing for the wrong reasons', you often don't actually do the 'right thing' in the long run because the reasons you're doing the thing don't match up with what the right thing is.
Yeah, they are correct, of course, that yahoo is overreacting - but putin needed the us to go to trump in November to finish the job of fucking the US up. This leaves a Hobson's choice for Biden etal. in the end the US of the post WWII years was reckless in creation of Israel. Fixes are needed!
Yup. The weirdest thing I saw recently was somebody insisting that the only reason people were protesting the Vietnam war was bc they may get drafted. I am still annoyed.
That is what they are afraid of.